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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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901 - 910 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Hey ladies,

Just got all my results online in my medical records. Everything looks great. I do not know how to interpret the results, but everything came back in the normal range. On a side note, my LH came back slightly higher than my FSH which I think indicateshe pcos. I think by looking at the results that I may actually have it. MY RE thought that that's why my ovarian reserve is so good. Well I will definitely find out on next Tuesday when I see my RE what he thinks. So excited that it came out well.

7 years ago

Cronins that sounds promising! Hopefully the hsg goes just as well and you get good news next Tuesday :-)

7 years ago

Hey thats good your results cane back normal! I dont know much about pcos, just that it causes cysts witch give unpredictable results for opk? Hopefuly doc doesnt think so anyway.
Afm, Im zonked. Going to bed when lo does in an hour. Lol good night ladies

7 years ago • Post starter

Well well well. Look who finaly decided to show up! she greeted me first thing this morning. Good thing I didnt run over to dr office when they gave me the option. Lol. Next cycle here I am!
My wondofos were in my doorway when hubby came home last night. I was getting ready to use one. Lol.

7 years ago • Post starter

Thank goodness she showed. Now at least you can start the next cycle. ARE you going to ask for a trigger shot? I really think that might do the trick.

As for me, I am taking my son to the dentist to have a cavity filled and then off to get my hsg and lab work. I will update as soon as I can. My hsg is 12:30 pm eastern standard time. So by 1:30-2 pm, I should be able to update.

7 years ago

Yes, I am asking for a trigger shot when I call in my day one. I am a little nervous about giving myself a shot. But after the first time, im sure I will be fine. Lol.
Good luck today, praying everything is nice and clear. Hope your stirrups arnt broke like mine were. That was a bit awkward. Lol.

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy- glad she finally decided to appear, now for the next cycle. If you do the ovidrel it's not too bad, it's subcutaneous.

Cronins- good luck with everything today, praying for good results :-)

7 years ago

I am about to completly freak out. Im in tears! The nurse called back to confirm my day 1 to call in meds. She started off my saying that it looks like this would be my 5th cycle on meds and thats as far as they go. I stopped her in her tracks! And told her that two months was unresponsive on clomid so that doesnt count. Then told her I dont think I ovulated this tine either so I think we should up the dose! I started to panic! She stopped me and said she needed to talk to my dr and would call me back. If they just give up, idk what to do. Ive been trying to look up another dr near me, but there are no specialists near me! Im lost. I hope they call back soon.

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy- I would think they would be willing to go as far as you wanted to. Hopefully you get some answers soon. I felt like this last week so know exactly how you feel. It will work out for you :-) I don't know if you have or not but check the hospitals around you bc sometimes they have specialists there.

7 years ago

They agreed to double my dose this month to 5 mg of letrozole. We are doing day 21 progesterone and I have an appiontment with my ob at the end of Nov to duscuss what to do from here. I feel like they are just giving up and I have no where to turn for help now. I broke down on the phone to hubby but only cause he broke down first telling me how much it hurt him to watch me hurt and he felt so helpless.
I did find soneone online who is about 45 min away that says they are a fertility physician( what ever that is). The office is only open two days a week so he/she must be coming from somewhere else. Think Im going to call them and see what its all about. I didnt think about calling the hispitals near me. The one I had my son in might have someone like that. I will give them a call too. Thank you for that Lucky. I now have to gather myself and prepare my son for trick or trunk tonight and trick or treat tmrw. I will enjoy it so much : )

7 years ago • Post starter

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