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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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911 - 916 of 916 Replies

@dragonfly: so precious.

AFM: I quite my BC pills a month ago. I had OV-like pains and ewcm about 8 days ago, so I hope i actually ovulated. Since I'm not completely sure, I took a test just to check and it's nothing more than a ghost line. Don't have any symptoms at all at the moment. And I have a hard time believing that we would succeed right after stopping BC. But a girl can always hope.

4 years ago

9/10 days past possible ovulation and today I woke up still feeling feverish, or mor accurately hot on the inside. Slightly tender boobs and a light right sided cramp that comes and goes. I had two tests left and couldn't resist using one. I'm hoping it's not my line eyes fooling me into seeing a vvf line. Do you ladies see anything? I have one more test and am thinking about using it tomorrow morning, don't think I have the self control to wait two days.

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4 years ago

Another pic.

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4 years ago

Hi All, 40y/o currently 4/5dpo and I just feel pregnant! Symptoms I’ve had are...

Has, boobs busting out of bra, can visibly see veins on stomach and boobs more than usual, nausea comes and goes, tired, cm is like watery lotion when usually it’s drying up at this point.

Would love to make some cycle buddy friends on their TWW too. I’m a complete POAS addict and already started peeing on the sticks hahaha. I’m brutal with waiting!!

How is everyone else? Anyone else 4/5spo and waiting to rest and feeling pregnant?

3 years ago

Any luck BGB2020??

We welcomed our second daughter on December 5th! We are all so in love including her big sister.

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3 years ago • Post starter

Huge congrats on your little girl Flamingo!

I'm still here and still TTCing, no luck so far. Although I have a theory as to why it's taking us so long. A year ago they discovered that my thyroid antibodies (TPO) were elevated, around 190. I got prescribed some cortisone to help the inflammation go down. They have checked my levels and it has gone down from 190 in september last year, to 40 in august (my T4 has always been between 9-11). My TSH has gone from 1.9 up to 3.3 and down to 1.9 again. Last check were three weeks ago and my TPO are now at 80, which means it's probably on the rise yet again. The "endocrinologist" (who's a real asshat) aren't concerned at all, he didn't even mention what my TPO-levels were so I read it in my medical record. I have to wait another 6 months (!!) until he'll check my levels again. I did some research and found that high TPO antibodies can disturb fertilization and implantation. So that can be the cause for why it's taking us much longer this time.. Apparently selenium can help the thyroid, so I started taking some prenatal vitamins that contain selenium (and a lot more). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll work. Otherwise I have to talk to a private clinic and hope they can help.

3 years ago

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