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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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We are transferring just our boy, he is the fighter and leader of the three and a few girls I know personally that have already went through IVF said they regret transferring two. All of them lost one and one of them actually almost lost both and was in the hospital for weeks from it.

After all the research we have done we decided against transferring more than one for now. I don't want to risk losing one or both and the chances do increase if you transfer more than one. Trust me, I would LOVE to have twins. LOVE IT! But I am not going to increase my chances of losing one. If it doesn't work we will do another fresh retrieval and start over and I am okay with that.

8 years ago

Aww thats lovely xomandyxocheyxo rooting for you girl -x-x-x-

8 years ago

sorry was meant to be 2 blue storks doh, Id love a boy as have 3 older girls but of course would love either -x-

8 years ago

Just found out - DH has to be at a briefing tomorrow morning at 4:00 am and has to be at the airport to fly out at 5:00. Seriously?? They couldn't have him fly out at a decent hour??

pinkster--> I'm glad AF finally showed! I conceived John on a Clomid CD 2-6 cycle! So very excited for you!

AFM: I've finally gotten the introduction to my book written, as well as the page of TTC abbreviations and the page on cervical mucus. I think I've found an editing company and a place to publish it so that it'll be available for download through the iTunes, Amazon, and the Kindle market. I think I'm going to have a few copies printed as well so I can have the tangible book in my hand! I wanna finish this so bad I can taste it!


8 years ago

Pinkster - I'm sorry AF arrived.

CD35 & still waiting here

8 years ago

CD36, and I'm still not bleeding. I did have a weird CM thing this morning, though. It was like EWCM, but it was super thick. Clear but thick and stretchy, and a lot at once. I emailed the nurse to see when they might want to look at giving me something to start my period.

Hope you're all well!

8 years ago

Nurse said after cd35 with a negative pregnancy test (which of course I took already this morning to be sure) I can start progesterone and take it for 10 days then stop to bring on my period. I'm going to wait until Sunday, and if I haven't started by Sunday night I'll start the progesterone Monday. She said it's unlikely I won't have a withdrawal bleed after taking birth control which I'm sure is right, but I've proven to them I'm not typical already, so why do they keep trying to compare me to anyone else?

8 years ago

Hiy Pht, yea I know, everyone is diff and we know our bodies better then ny one but they still dont listen, good luck lovely, hope AF comes soon and then u can join us in the nut club again, 2frsty-that sucks, how bloody frustrating grr, love n luck to all -x-x-

8 years ago

Hiy Pht, yea I know, everyone is diff and we know our bodies better then ny one but they still dont listen, good luck lovely, hope AF comes soon and then u can join us in the nut club again, 2frsty-that sucks, how bloody frustrating grr, love n luck to all -x-x-

8 years ago

Hiya ladies!!! Is it Friday yet?
I feel like I'm emotionally unstable at the moment. Dh's cousins have been ttc for about year and few months now. They recently visited the obgyn and have started fertility treatments. Today, she out of the blue posted her 7dpo progesterone results on facebook (21.2). We've been getting small updates from the husband's mom (dh's aunt). They don't know about our journey but I've been dying to let them know so she has someone to vent to and confide in that knows what she's going thru. But we're worried they'll spill the beans on us. I'm happy she's finally seeing a doctor for treatment but when I found out they were in the midst of a cycle with the obgyn, I started having all kinds of emotions....happy, glad, jealous, excited, worried, nervous. I know all the feelings she's having right now and I want to reach out to her so bad. I want to talk all things ttc with her (if she wants to). We're having dinner with the inlaws tonight so I'd like to ask about it but I dont want to dip my foot into ocean and get hit by a wave of questions. One thing I do know....OMG I cant wait to do another treatment ! BUT I know I need to improve my health more so i'll be good and wait . I really need to sign up for my pole dancing classes but I'm nervous...need to get pumped up!!! lol
On a different note....dh is ordering the parts for his car that are needed. He's HOPING that by next weekend that his car will be fixed but we'll see. I do like the idea of getting the bigger car though in the near future though. It's going to be needed. But at least this way, dh can get his car fixed to sell it in the future to go towards a new car.

@pollen- any update?

@2frsty- So will the ebook be from a medical standpoint?

@aleinad- HI!

@pinkster- I hope dh's swimmers result come in soon. How long has it been since he tested again?


@phat- I'm surprised AF didnt show 2 minutes after you poas LOL.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

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