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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Thank you, Pink! I appreciate your optimism and to you also.

We're having a baby!!!

8 years ago

Hi All, I'm new here (I'm pretty sure I didn't post last cycle).
38yo Melbourne Australia, trying for number 1. Had a miscarriage this time last year at 11 weeks (no heartbeat at 5-7).

Been seeing the reproductive clinic for last two months. All tests are fine, tubes fine, found a thyroid condition and started meds for that, but my levels indicate I was probably ovulating, just later in the cycle that I thought (Around day 21).

Today is day 21, been having regular sex the last week, hubs has Fibromyalgia which causes leg pain and exhaustion, so sex every night is well, exhausting.

Very nauseous this morning, I wonder if it's the ovulation happening.

Last time i was pregnant I was dreadfully sick like the week later with a nasty cold and had a cold sore three days after conception. (I never get cold sores, i've had 2 in the last 8 years.)

Anyway i'm in the same boat as you all with the thinking every little thing means I'm pregnant and going crazy, so it's great to have all of your stories to help me get through.

8 years ago

Good luck sunaet and pinkster!

Afm- I'm on calendar day 15 and I usually ovulate around 16. My husband had to leave for his work trip this morning- but there's a slim chance he'll be able to come back home late tomorrow night. We bd'd last night and hopefully we'll get a chance to tomorrow night- otherwise I'm more than likely out this month. I really should have started temping so I can see when I've ovulated.. Next month I guess

I know there's a chance it'll all work out- so I'm trying to hold onto hope!

8 years ago

Holly - glad to see you here. I've been thinking of you. I hope your cycles get back on track.

Sunaet & Pinkster - good luck!

S.taggart - that timing aounds perfect!

Jenjustjen - welcome! I hope the thyroid meds are the answer for you.

My ultrasound last week ahowed a strong heart beat at 155bpm, and the growth had jumped from 6w1d to 7w6d. Fertility Friend had me at 7w5d the day of the last scan. From my last period I am 7w2d. We saw the umbilical cord, beginning of the placenta attaching, and the outline of the amniotic sac. I was released from my RE to my regular OB, and I go in 2 days for my intake visit with the nurse.

8 years ago

Morning ladies (14dpo)
Phat-thats wondeful news, all sounds brill and little bean is doing so well, everytime my test looks neg I think thats it I give up but then I hear from you and I think, maybe just maybe theres still a chance for me eat well my lovely and rest when you can (thats when your not on the firing range lol)
s.taggart did you OPK so you know when ov, but if so sounds like you got BD in so for you
Jenjustjen-sorry to hear about your loss, we have all experienced some very sad times on here but we have to keep on trying just in case like Phat we get a little sticky bean that defies the odds and makes it all worth while, keep us updated if you opk you will know when your near ov and temp going up will shop when you have
sunaet-I see feint lines like i said and I wouldnt lie, really wishing this is your turn, sending & I tested this morn and look like there should be a strong line there at 14 DPO expecting my frer to arrive today so will try that tom if doesnt show

Good luck all -x-x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

@Phat thanks! Glad to hear you've got a happy little bean!

@pinkster Thank you. Sending you good thoughts too!

Well my TWW is has been cut short. Thyroid test today came back horrendous so they are doubling the meds.

Hormones are low so the doc thinks no ovulation will happen this month. Hubs comment... "But all that effort!"

On the brightside I can go play ice hockey on Friday.

I'm going to start taking a fertility tonic that I read about in my Herbalism course. It has vitex and a few other things. I've been macerating it for a few weeks now.

8 years ago

S. Taggart, thank you and I hope your hubby can slip away to home tonight! Pink, I hope so. I have hope still for this cycle but trying to give it a few more days to test considering I caved yesterday. If it is a , then at least for a few days I wasn't as depressed. Still hoping for you for this cycle, Pink, not over yet... Jenjustjen, welcome and good luck! Phat, I love hearing your baby news, miraculous in every way but even more miraculous because of all the emotion behind TTC for so long!

We're having a baby!!!

8 years ago

this evening, pretty sure it's just that and not going to test again unless doesn't come. Lol, I will try not to anyway. Hate seeing the negative.

We're having a baby!!!

8 years ago

Pink- nah- didn't have any opk's, I'm just guessing based on my typical cycle length and past history. I really need to start temping again if this month doesn't work out. I would have started this month if I wasn't on vacation at the beginning..

Sunaet- sorry about your bfn. There's still hope until the shows her ugly face! at least that's what I always tell myself

Phat- that is so awesome!! I love hearing how you and your lil babe are doing!

jenjustjen- welcome! Glad to hear they are helping you straighten out your thyroid! My sister just went on thyroid meds a couple months ago- discovered hers while looking into infertility issues. Hopefully they can get you fixed up quickly!

holly- thinking of you! my son just turned 15 months last week

afm: So hubby has returned early! So we may get another chance tonight that is if I can pull him away from his xbox.. he bought a new game this weekend...

8 years ago

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