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Early Signs Or Mirena Crash

I had my Mirena removed 5/5/11, my hubby an I are trying to conceive. I got removal bleeding for 6 days starting day of removal. (Had in for 4.5 yrs). Ov date would have been the 19th. I have noticed some pre-preg signs but got a neg test on the 25th. Signs like bloating, pain, constipation, sleepness/fatigue, anal about organization, cravings and hunger more frequent, increase siliva and urination at night. I am a stomach sleep an feel like pre period and cant sleep on it. I have experienced being prego before but its not the same this time. Could I be preg but too early to get a pos? Or am I still experiencing the Mirena crash? We would like to expect baby #2 soon!

6 Answers • 13 years ago



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1 - 6 of 6 Answers

You're probably experiencing Mirena crash. Removal can cause "pregnancy" or "flu-like" symptoms for up to three months. But, I'm told that you're supposed to be able to conceive asap after removal, so get a HPT and test again after 7 days.

13 years ago

Thank you for your response! I am now 13 days DPO and AF is due any day and still have yet to get it. I took a preg test on the 31st of May and again it was neg. Ive experienced headaches, pains and nasuea more in the last few days than before. How long did it take anyone else to regain there period after Mirena? In the last 1 yr or so on Mirena I would have spotting and light periods, Im not sure if the removal bleeding really counts as a period or not. Before it was removed, I had a light period 2 wks prior. I would like to concieve sooner than later :(

13 years ago • Post starter

I had my Mirena removed on 3/1/11. I had my first cycle two days later. I didn't notice any symptoms right after having it removed other than normal PMS symptoms such as cramping and moodiness. I am currently 6DPO and hoping to get a BFP this month! Good luck to you!! Baby dust to all!!!

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13 years ago

Omg ... I had my mirena out on jan 11th... I had 2 days of light spotting... And nothing since... Except for horrible back pain, bloating, frequent urination....and my tummy makes this very very loud gurgling bubbly sound... Did u end up being pregnant or was it a crash? I did have unprotected sex after removal ... I have been pg before, but this was 7 years ago i forget what it even feelsl like by now...A couple worlds of advice?

11 years ago

Ashley, it took 6months for us to finally get prego w. Our second child. She is now an amazing 8 month old :) maj. Sign was frequent urination, That increased more. Good luck!

11 years ago • Post starter

Mirena causes all kinds of side effects, hormonal imbalances, estrogen dominance, silicona and copper toxicity, etc. I recommend everyone who is serious about stopping all their unbearable side effects to watch the video on this page: mirenadetox

9 years ago

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