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Cold/ Flu like symptoms before BFP?

Has anyone gotten a cold or had flu like symptoms before getting a BFP? I am 13 dpo and have not taken a test yet I'm trying to wait it out this time but i woke up this morning with a head cold and flu like symptoms and I'm the type that never gets sick. I will take a test Friday if af doesn't show.

11 Answers • 12 years ago



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I had this happen. Sunday evening I started getting a scratchy throat. A day later it was still slightly sore but nothing major. Just felt blah. I tested and BFP. I did some research and some women do get flu like symptoms because your body lowers your antibodies so they will not consider the egg as a threat and it can implant. So when this happen some women do get slightly sick. It was an indication of my BFP and hopefully it will be for you. Let us know what happens. Baby dust!

12 years ago

Wait 4 yo AF if they dnt show wait little long 1 to 2 weeks to avoid disappointments. I was 15dys late for my AF had al da signs but on da 3rd week they show I almost give-up, never trust dat RED DEVIL. GoodLuck!!!

12 years ago

I was exactly the same as dmartin65 :)

12 years ago

Maybe this is a good thing then!! We shall see!! I've tried not to get my hopes up this time or do any charting or test taking so maybe not having all the stress of having to think about it everyday did some good. Thanks you 2 for your answers!

12 years ago • Post starter


It's definitely a sign, goodluck!

12 years ago

Yes i had a sore throat and stuffy nose. Thought i was getting sick. When your pregnant your immune system is suppressed a little.

12 years ago

Yes, I had my daughter in 2006 at 24, I certainly wasn't trying to conceive.
And I hadn't researched it in every way possible like I have done this time.

At the end of July / start of august 2005... I had a really swollen throat... Really ill!!

I hadn't noticed my period was late until I realised it was a week late...

I immaturely thought my ibuprofen and paracetamol (for severe throat pain and swellng) had somehow delayed my period... But I thought what the hell... I'll do a test to be on the safe side!!!

5 tests later... I still didn't believe it ...

I just need to add... She wasn't planned... But she's the best surprise I ever had and I wouldn't change her for th world...

Just wish I could give her a sibling sooner rather than later,
I'm convinced my illness was a sign & I've researched that your immune system protects the baby & kinda just forgets about you, hence why we get such a rough time lol also progesterone can cause sore throats.
Hope this h

12 years ago

Hello! Maybe you ladies can help me! AF came 5/16 thu 5/21. My DH & I BD 5/23 5/24 & 5/25. Yesterday I started having a sore thoat & a stuffy nose. Today 5/25 I have the same sore thoat and a runny slightly snuffy nose, what could this mean? Or am I just about to get sick now?

12 years ago

I haven't gotten sick yet just the sinus problems and sore throat but i took a test today and its negative :( Af was due yesterday but no signs of her yet. Maybe i ovulated later than i thought WHO KNOWS!! lol

12 years ago • Post starter

I am currently 13DPO and I am experiencing a cold right now. Started last Sat with slight sore throat. Escalated into a severe stuffy nose. Was nauseous for two days. Had Campbell's soup in the microwaveable bowl with o.j. For lunch and threw it all up 5min later. Haven't tested yet waiting and hoping AF doesn't show I have 5 more days until I test!!! Fx wish us luck....

11 years ago

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