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9-10dpo---ever got a POSITIVE HPT??

this waiting game is killing me! lol...i might take a test tomorrow with FMU...i dont know yet...any of you get a pos this early or am i just setting myself up for dissapointment??

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8 Answers • 12 years ago



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1 - 8 of 8 Answers

I fully understand you, am also 9 DPO .... Most probably the test will show up Negative... Just because it's too early also need to buy a accurate PT that can detect the Early pregnancy....
Don't stress yourself !!! Relax n be patient... Pray!

12 years ago

I tested positive on a Wondfo at 9 DPO. I didn't believe it so I got a FRER and there it was. And I didn't need to invert or do any of that crazy stuff. I guess I implanted on 6 DPO or 7 DPO, which is common, but less common. Im now 16 DPO and its stronger than ever! So, I would say yes, 9 or 10 DPO is within reason.

12 years ago

Thank u ladies i will wait until friday morning..i will be 13dpo or maybe even sunday morning! My af is expected to show monday...

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12 years ago • Post starter

Yes better!!!! I will do the same too!!!! Let's cross the finger!!! Good luck

12 years ago

I am also at 9DPO. I took a test today (not with FMU though) and it was negative. AF is 1 day late and I have had all new symptoms so hopefully it was just too early to test. Best of luck to you.

12 years ago

Thank u everyone! **fingers crossed!!** good luck to you all :)

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12 years ago • Post starter

I tested today at 10 DPO and i've been disappointed all day because I just feel so pregnant I can't believe it. Typically after I get a BFN I just move on and prepare for the next cycle but for some reason this cycle I feel so pregnant that I feel like i'm going crazy? So I think it is best to just wait. AF Is due Friday for me... Im going to wait til then before I test again.


12 years ago

thanks! & good luck to you!!!

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12 years ago • Post starter

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