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Feeling flu-like - possible pregnancy symptoms 4 DPO?

My hubby and I have been trying for only 2 months now for our first baby. I'm one of the most impatient people, so the "2 week wait" is absolute torture for me! I am 4 DPO and yesterday went to bed at literally 8:30 because I was beyond exhausted. I then woke up today with a terrible sore throat and body aches. I've also noticed sharp and dull pains and light cramping in my abdomen. I've heard that flu-like symptoms and sudden fatigue are common symptoms early on, but it seems like 4 DPO is a bit TOO early to even notice anything, right? I dont think implantation has even occurred at this point...

Anyone else have these symptoms? Any advice is appreciated!!

7 Answers • 11 years ago



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1 - 7 of 7 Answers

I agree with you. I think it may be to early to tell. Just wait it out to see if the symptoms persist and get stronger.There is a bad flu going around right now so you just never know.I have personally had all of your symptoms and had the flu. Good luck to you.

11 years ago

I agree with you. I think it may be to early to tell. Just wait it out to see if the symptoms persist and get stronger.There is a bad flu going around right now so you just never know.I have personally had all of your symptoms and had the flu. Good luck to you.

11 years ago

Please see my post about "Am I pg? why you can't be at 5DPO" - do wait until you get to the very important implantation phase before convincing yourself you are. Many women conceive but many eggs fizzle out before they implant and produce a BFP. So it's best to let the process complete. Also, you may be a lucky one but 6-12 months is the average for couples to conceive, so it may take a few more tries. Wish you the best...

11 years ago

Thank you - my gut reaction was to not take it too seriously, but I get so confused reading a lot of posts with conflicting messages. I just wish there was a way to know sooner! I know it often takes longer for many couples - but my mom and sisters got pregnant very very quickly and I'm in a good spot age-wise (26) and my husband and I are both very healthy and active - hopefully we'll be on the shorter end of the range of time it takes to conceive. Fingers crossed - I'll update in a couple weeks once I am ready to test!

11 years ago • Post starter

Yeah, I only say it as it can be maddening when you start looking too early on, esp. when it can take months for a BFP. 26 is a great age. You have plenty of time. In the meantime, I say focus on enjoying time with your husband as it all changes once the baby comes along and becomes the focus of attention. That can help keep you sane while you wait. Hope you get your BFP this month but don't get discouraged if you don't. 6 months is very normal.

11 years ago

I can't answer your question...but I am also having the flu like symptoms and feeling very fatigue. I am 9 dpo and feel very pooped...and not only having dull lower abdominal pain, I am having back pains with it. So maybe/ maybe not..cross fingers.

11 years ago

So I wonder should I feel like this around 9 dpo? Sure would love you guys opinion?

11 years ago

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