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4-9dpo and symptoms stopped!

I am either 4 or 9dpo...was a little confused on my O date and thought maybe I O'd late...anyway, I woke up this morning and I have a mild pang on my left side, but it's very faint and hardly noticeable. Other than that, all my cramping and symptoms have seemed to go away. If I am 9dpo, I am due for AF on Monday. I feel like I should at least be feeling AF pains..anyone else notice this? Symptoms going away? Anyone still get a BFP?! I don't want to be out this month :(

87 Replies • 12 years ago



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I'm in the same boat. I'm not sure if I'm 6dpo or 9dpo. I had a bunch of symptoms that I don't normally have (and my brain has been totally convinced I'm going to get a bfp) and then suddenly today they all just disappeared. I'm due for AF somewhere between Sun and Tues of next week. I'm hoping I'll get a bfp but I'm beginning to think I might be out this month which would be very depressing.

Marielle Smith - SMC - Planning for #4 (#3 died in Utero at 5 months)

12 years ago

Well, let's not lose hope yet! I have been reading all sorts of things today, and I found a great site Women can post like on here about TTC but they also have a huge section of women who described their symptoms by DPO to the detail. I started reading, and I found out that a lot of women have NO symptoms whatsoever, and some not even after they get their BFP. So this made me feel a *little* better. Do you mind telling me why you're unsure of your O date? I know mine was just that I got the normal pain, but then got it again a few days later but with even more O type symptoms, such as EWCM. Looks like we are pretty close as far as cycles go..keep me updated!! GL to you!!

12 years ago • Post starter

This was "surprise" try. I was ttc'ing last year but took a break due to multiple factors. I've been wanting to get back to trying since the beginning of the year but kept putting it off. After some advice from a good friend, I realized there was never going to be a perfect circumstances and I should stop delaying due to other peoples' circumstances and decided to just to try and see where it goes.

Since I stopped ttc last year, I have only been marginally keeping track of my cycle and ovulation but I recently decided to try out a new app for my phone so I wouldn't have to go online everytime I wanted to record AF. It's been consistantly off on its AF prediction by about 1-2 days but since I hadn't been ttc it wasn't a big deal. I made the decision to go back to trying and then realized I was ovulating within a week (using my app calculations). Unfortunately, since I hadn't been in the habit I forgot to poas a stick every day to make sure of my "O" date. I know that it could have occurred between Sun and Weds (May 27-30) but can only guess using calculators that were accurate last year and by what my body felt like. I thought I felt ovulation pain on Mon but it could have been just my mind playing tricks on me. Also throwing me off, I had CM up until Tues which made me wonder if I was off and Weds was my actual O date. I've never really paid attention to my CM so I don't really know what's normal for me in the dept. I'm just going off what I've been told by others.

Basically, I just wasn't completely prepared for this cycle but I've spent the last week absolutely convinced that I'm preg that the possibility I'm not is completely heartbreaking. So am visiting sites like this to keep my hope alive.

Good Luck to you as well.

Marielle Smith - SMC - Planning for #4 (#3 died in Utero at 5 months)

12 years ago

I have about 3 of those calculators on my phone and feel like I subscribe to every single online chart, but I think I am coming to the conclusion that no matter how much charting you do, how many tests you take, your body will do what it wants when it wants! I wish I could tell you not to feel so heartbroken :/ even if this isn't yours or my WILL happen!! I felt like we were totally prepared this cycle and then BAM, possibly O'd late which is so highly unusual for me! Who knows, maybe it's just the body's way of making sure it's the perfect eggie :) positive vibes to you!

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi! Totally new to posting, but when I saw you ladies were having the exact same symptoms I had to join you! We've been NTNP since October and this month I started using OPK's late. Never got a solid peak but it didn't matter as we dtd from Cd4-Cd17. My best guess is I ovulated between Sunday and Tuesday. Recently, it's been normal for me to have post ovulation fatigue, breast soreness, etc. and also normal for me to spot a coupe of days b4 AF. Well I started light spotting last Friday and it hasn't stopped. That's over a week early which is long even for me. Also, since Saturday or Sunday I've been exhausted and incredibly moody which is odd so far out. Had all this on top of some mild pms symptoms. My gums even bled a bit which I never have. Today, nothing. I feel great. Still spotting a tiny bit. Emailed my doctor about the possibility of low progesterone, but haven't heard back. I'm 36 and have a healthy 6 year old and almost 3 year old. Anyone else have these symptoms and gotten a bfp? Thanks!

12 years ago

Thanks for posting! Looks like we aren't the only ones with mysterious symptoms! It;s just so strange because last month I was almost positive I was preggo. I had crazy post-o symptoms, but wasn't sure how to interpret them because I had previously been on the pill for 8 years. Lo hormone, but still. Anyway, this time isn't anything close to last time, so I guess that is why I am scratching my head. Last time, within 2 days of O, my nipples were so sore to the touch, constant cramping and aching, etc. all the way up to AF. Leading me to think I am going to have 2 weeks worth of PMS. But now this time, no sore nips or constant nagging cramps. This time has been a whole slew of other things though. I just don't know--but welcome to the boat! Here's hoping we all see a BFP!

12 years ago • Post starter

Ha, thanks! NTNP still makes you wonder for two weeks out of every month and I've definitely learned what I feel like after ovulation now, and all the spotting is definitely not ib! But someone needs to come up with a better system than a 2ww. I've lost hours trying to figure symptoms out. This was much different though. It stinks when feeling so good cannot be properly appreciated, lol!

12 years ago

They really do need to come up with a better way to keep up with what is going on during the tww. I know that chemical pregnancies occur fairly often and can be heartbreaking but I would rather know conception occurred then to wonder if my brain is just creating symptoms or if there is a reason.

Marielle Smith - SMC - Planning for #4 (#3 died in Utero at 5 months)

12 years ago


12 years ago

Hi Ladies,

I'm new to this site & new to posting in general, but things were so weird for me that I was checking into several posts trying to get advice, but maybe all I needed was people in the same boat as me! Looks like I found the right thread finally!

I'm either 8dpo or 12dpo...have no idea. This is my first month TTC#2. I have PCOS so I know it's going to be a challenge (it took us 13 years to get our DD!). I didn't use any OPK's so I'm not sure when I O'd. My cycles are tpically around 31 days. I had what I thought was EWCM on CD#14 & O pains on CD#15. But the out of nowhere more pains & even more CM on CD#18 (05/28) (BD'd again just in case!). So now I'm not sure. I have had a few symptoms (I think!): Got CM once a day on TP for about 5 days, had some muscle soreness, had a pang in lower right abdomen for a few hours one day, increased thirst occasionally, and now NOTHING! UGH! AF is due 06/11. I took a HPT yesterday but BFN! Altho I do know that could still have been too early (I hope!). Stalking these sites/posts like crazy trying to keep up hope for this month.

We're definitely all in the same boat (and it sounds like about the same cycles!). Would love some buddys to obsess with while we finish out our tortuous TWW!

12 years ago

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