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10 weeks - all symptoms gone?!?

I am a little uneasy, i am 10 weeks exactly, and all my symptoms have gone, no sickness, no sore breasts..nothing, its all gone! I am worried something is wrong.

Dont have my 1st scan until 12 weeks...

Ingi :)

4 Answers • 6 years ago



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1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Hi there. Sometimes the symptoms goes away then comes back. My breasts don't hurt as much as they did at the beginning but the areolas are big and bumps are forming. Have you heard any girgles in the tummy when lying down? Have you tried taking tests to see where the lines are at? Hope things turn out okay and all is well.

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6 years ago

I agree symptoms do come and go. I didn't have any symptoms with my son until I was almost 12 weeks pregnant. Also around 10 weeks the placenta begins the process of taking over so you should begin to see a decrease from that and HCG levels hitting their peak.

6 years ago

I literally had no symptoms other than a missed period I too was a little worried but everything turned out fine.

6 years ago

Thank you for replying. I just want to get to my scan and see baby for the 1st time and know everything is okay! I would rather be throwing up and have horrendous breast pain as silly as it sounds just so i know everythings okay.

I wish we did things in the UK like the US, i wish we had scans earlier than 12 week.

Ingi :)

6 years ago • Post starter

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