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BYOB: Bring on the BFPs!!

Hi all!

I have been on this site for what feels like forever (2yrs+) The BYOB threads have always been a great place for ladies to come for ttc support, answers, suggestions & even venting our frustrations! We used to have a hard time keeping up with all the chatter & made some great friens on here! I would love for it to be that again!

Former BYOB ladies & all newcomers welcome to join us! Cant wait to chat with you all!!

I aill start things off with an intro...

My name is Joy
I am 29 (30 in May) & dh is 30
I'm Canadian
Was married in 2009
I started ttc in April 2010
Got my 1st bfp in August 2010 & m/c'd naturally at 8 weeks
Got my 2nd bfp in late June 2011 & had a missed m/c at 11 weeks (baby died at 8)
Many complications followed - including a nearly 3 week hospital stay
Got my 3rd bfp on March 21st 2012 - finally success!Delivered my beautiful baby boy on Dec 4th
I am currently breastfeeding, & waiting for my cycle to return
I would like my kids to be about 2yrs apart & if thing take as long as last time we will need to get back to ttc soon! lol

Cant wait to chat with you all!
xx Joy

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

301 Replies • 11 years ago



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Haha... I meants we made som great FRIENDS on here... not frends.... i am typing 1 handed sorry for the typos!!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi Joy!

I came across this thread and wanted to pop in! I'm all up for joining groups and making some buddies along this TTC journey!

My name is Melissa
I'm 33 and my DH is 34
Married 10 years
Have 1 DS born in 2002
Blighted ovum in 2007
Recent fetal death @ 7w4d in October 2012

After my D&C in late October I am just back to having somewhat of a normal cycle thanks to BCPs for 3 weeks in January to stop my constant bleeding. I was undecided after my D&C of what to DH wanted to stop trying altogether and enjoy life as it is. I'm at the point of whatever happens, happens. I'm not on BC and I am charting my cycles to see if and when I will ovulate again. I would be open to TTC again starting in May/June, but if it happens before that....I'm okay with it. DH knows I am temping again and taking OPKs....and we have regular I think he just is okay with whatever happens.

Nice to meet you!

Me...33 Hubby...34 Nov 2002...high risk pregnancy, preterm labor @ 31wks, held in our son until 37wks, born 7lbs, 20in October 2007...blighted ovum @ 6w4d, D&C October 2012...fetal death @7w4d subchorionic hematoma, D&C, 46 chromosomes, normal female Waiting to TTC until June!

11 years ago

Hello ladies!

My name is Kat
I am 26 and my dh is almost 30
I have been a member of CTP for almost 3 years
I got my first BFP here on the BYOB forum in March of 2011 and was very lucky to carry through with no complications
My dd Gemma was born in December 2011 and is now 14 months old
When I was just a couple of months along, Gwen, the creator of CTP started it's beta sister site CMP. I was one of the first group of ladies to join over there. After a month or more of bopping back and forth to my favorite BYOB ladies profile pages and sending messages back and forth, I decided to carry over the BYOB chatting on CMP. Joy soon migrated over as well and took over for me, her ds being almost exactly one year younger than my dd
Now, here I am again, starting the journey all over again and very eager to find friendship and company along the way. The BYOB ladies have always been warm, loving, caring and understanding .. setting them apart from so many other forums. Women of our generation seem bent on tearing one another apart for no real reason. We, however, on the TTC journey are all in need of a hearing ear and that is what BYOB is to me.

I'm sorry if that sounded like an essay lol. I promise that I will try to be much lighter in all of my following posts :)

Melissa - I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that your health continues to improve and that all goes well for you and your family going forward. And welcome! We are very glad to have you.

Joy - I am happy to hear that you will some time in the near future being trying for #2. You are an amazing mother with so much love to give that I hope everything works out for you as planned. I am happy to hear you are bfing. I am still bfing and trying to decide when to wean Gemma. My cycle didn't return until 7 or 8 months but of course it is different for everyone. Two years is a nice distance to have between your children.

My dh seems to be convinced that I am pregnant already after just one bd this morning *rolls eyes* lol. I love his excitement but always try to be realistic. I am nervous and excited about trying for number two and do not want to get my hopes up unnecessarily. If we do conceive sometime in the near future, our children will be almost exactly two years apart :)

Lots of to you ladies!

Kat  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago

Hi ladies!!

Kat - I feel the same way about the byob thread ladies... they were always so sweet & supportive, unlike a lot of the other groups I have been a part of on other websites!
Maybe by the time you get to baby #2 Gwen will have a third site (Post Pregnancy) up & running for us! Haha!
I think it's great that your dh is so excited and thinks you might be preggo agan already... they get excited and hopeful so easily! (I think its because they tend not to get so devistated when the test comes up negitive or af shows lol)
As for the breastfeeding, I am really proud of myself for sticking with it... so many of my friends gave up cause it was too painful or difficult. Curious as to when af will show for me... its so different for everyone, you were 7-8 months, my sister was only 3. :) I am hoping I will at least be back ttc by ds's 1st bday!

Melissa - Welcome!! I am so sorry to hear about your loss Very sad. I wish you lots of luck this time around & looking forward to chatting with you! Do you know where in your cycle you are right now?

AFM - Nothing new with me really... took my little guy out to do some grocery shopping today - it was our first solo shopping trip since he was born & it went really well! (Usually I need someone else there to push the cart or stroller while I hold ds (cause he never stays in his carrier) but this time I held him & pushed his strolled and just put whatever we needed in his carrier Nice not to NEED dh to come with us!

On the ttc front, really nothing to report seeing as I am still af-less.... thinking I might start temping in the next little while though to get back in the habbit so when we officially start ttc I will aready be used to doing it!

Hope you ladies are doing great!
xx Joy

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!

I am on CD11...but havent ovulated since I became pregnant on my August 2012 cycle. After my D&C, i bled straight for 14 weeks....which took me to January. I reluctantly went on BCPs for 3 weeks to stop the bleeding....but it worked! I have been off my BCPs for almost 2 weeks....had a regular AF (as regular as it can be....5 days of bleeding instead of 14 weeks!). Now I am just tracking my temps and taking OPKs daily. I really just want to know if I can ovulate....if we conceive, we do...doing the NTNP method. Trying to go low-stress.

Joy...that must have been great to take your little one out by yourself! It does feel like an accomplishment! That never goes away...even when I take my 10 year old out with me is still a good feeling!

Hope everyone is doing well!

Me...33 Hubby...34 Nov 2002...high risk pregnancy, preterm labor @ 31wks, held in our son until 37wks, born 7lbs, 20in October 2007...blighted ovum @ 6w4d, D&C October 2012...fetal death @7w4d subchorionic hematoma, D&C, 46 chromosomes, normal female Waiting to TTC until June!

11 years ago

Joy - I am proud of you for continuing to bf too :) I would never belittle a mom for not continuing or even never having tried, but I have become such a pro-bf mom. There were times even up to 6 and 7 months where I would continually think "I hope I can last until twelve months" and "The second she is 12 months old I am weaning her because I hate being the only one who can take care of her" but it does become easier and easier. Once you are supplementing with cereal and baby food .. and especially after 12 months when they are eating a lot of real food, it becomes so easy. Gemma wasn't ready to quit at 12 months and I was indifferent so we kept going. I don't really know when I will stop but I am mainly down to nursing before she sleeps (at night and before her nap) and when she wakes (in the morning and after nap). She asks for milk more than that but I generally offer her regular milk and she is fine with that. I'm just glad of all of the good things she is still getting from our more casual bfing schedule.

Melissa - Hope things start to regulate for you soon. I know that the first time dh and I were trying for a baby, we said we were NTNP. I know my dh was NTNP but I was trying was TTC for sure lol. It's hard for us ladies to just go with the flo .. but low stress, however you can achieve it, is always the best way. Let us know how things progress :)

AFM, still sick. I feel like this stuff is going to stick with us for quite awhile. It's one of those colds that you don't really feel better each day. Progress to feel better takes a week or more. I was super tired today taking care of Gemma and had to take a nap when she did. I am trying not to get down on myself that nothing is getting accomplished around the house because I am still sick.

Dh got home tonight and because Gemma and I had slept rather late, dinner wasn't started yet. Dh offered to take us out to dinner which is almost unusual enough for me to pass out from the shock. He must have been hungry and didn't want to wait lol. So, we went and had Mexican food. Nice treat. No more bding so far. We shall see. I would prefer to try for real next cycle, so just waiting around to see.

My cycles are kind of funny. They are normally 30-32 days but last cycle was a surprise at 28 and recently have been as long as 35 so .... its all just a waiting game.

I want to do a cycle signature, but it's been so long since I've done that stuff that I am afraid I am going to mess up my current signature. I might try playing with it now.

Lots of to you wonderful ladies!

Kat  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago

Well, still sick but still getting better I hope. BD for 2nd time last night, more for the fun of it since this late in the cycle it probably won't help if nothings happened already. I forgot how nice it is to be NTNP. For us, well I can't speak for dh but, for me it makes me feel so much more relaxed and a lot closer and intimate with dh. Not that we necessarily have problems in that department (no more than anyone who has been married for 6 years) but it definitely is 10x more enjoyable for me to really be able to let go, I guess.

Had a close friend ask when we were going to start trying for #2 AGAIN tonight. My husband and I looked at each other and a big grin crossed his face. I knew if I didn't step in quick and say something that he would let it known to the world. "We would like to get a bigger house first" I said, which is half true. We will probably be buying a house sometime within the next 9 months. But I had already discussed with dh about not telling people even AFTER we conceive for longer than we did last time. He's just a big kid though and can't keep a secret :)

Hoping you ladies are having a fantastic week and that things are going well with you. Lots of !

Kat  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago

I should be asleep, or at least in bed. I am exhausted.

The more I think about it, the more I am looking forward to being pregnant again. There are several things that I would like to get worked out before having another baby, but there are 9+ months to worry about that. I'm looking forward to the knowledge that will come with baby #2. I look forward to knowing what I am doing, not worrying about the little stuff, not being as nervous, etc. I am looking forward to giving dd a sibling. I am looking forward to just being pregnant again. I remember being sick, being uncomfortable, hurting ... but I also remember how other-worldly sharing my body with another human being was and how dreamy and happy my relationship with dh was. It's like walking around on a cloud because of how miraculous the process of making life together is.

I am looking forward to all of that.
I have been saying how much I was not getting my hopes up this cycle, mainly because I liked the timing of next cycle better ... if that was to be. However, I think I was nervous too, and didn't want it to happen again right away to give me time to adjust to the idea even though I have been ready for months now. But I think I have prepared myself.

I am eager and happy.

Lots of to you ladies and here's hoping things are well your way!

Kat  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago

Hi ladies!

Kat - Glad your now happy and prepared to fall pregnant! Hope it doesnt take too long! :)

Melissa - hope everything sorts itself out quickly! Good luck!

AFM - Sad to see that starting a new thread hasnt really generated much chatter :( Hope that means the other ladies are pregnant and happy.

Took Logan for his 3 month photos today... super cute! I still havent gotten af so cant really start ttc yet.... just waiting... I am thoroughly enjoying spending time with my son though. :)

xx Joy

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

11 years ago • Post starter

Hey Joy! I am back... I should explain lol I used to be on your BYOB threads with my old account ellekayejaye

Well I just came back to CTP and figured I would get a new profile

How are you and Logan getting on?

What about the girls who used to be on byob?

Afm I am in my fertile week of my 7th Clomid cycle. Urgh lol I wish I would just get pregnant already. Been ttc over 4 years now and it's getting really old!

11 years ago

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