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June 2014 babies, let's wait together

Hello ladies,

This is my 4th cycle trying for baby #3 (previous husband for the first second babies, age 5 & 7 years) had a chemical pregnancy this month at 4 weeks 4 days after 1 week of positive hpt. We had been having unprotective sex since march 2013. I am 32 years old and do is 29 years old and is military.

Today I am cd 5, with avg cycle length of 26 days with ovulation around cd 12-13.

Taking: materna, baby aspirin (new this month), evening primrose oil (cd 1 until ovulation then switched to dha), vit b6 (100 mg) and b12 (1200 mcg due to anemia a few years ago).

Trying the clear blue fertility monitor this month instead of traditionally opk tests.

Any cycle buddies???

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85 Replies • 11 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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I'm 1 day behind you cd 4. We're trying ttc #2 after a miscarriage this past April. I started on clomid yesterday, 100mg on cd 3-7. Gonna be using clearblue advanced opk again. Crossing my fingers! We could be cycle buddies! My cycles are 30 days without fail every month.. Baby dust***

11 years ago

We are trying for baby #3...we lost our baby boy at 21 weeks at the very beginning of July. I have had two healthy pregnancies prior. I am cd 6 today. I had had two periods since July, one in August and now this month. My cycle last time around was 30 days. Using clear blue fertility monitor plus opks. Hoping for our rainbow baby this month.

11 years ago

I'm so sorry to hear about your son. that's awful! Hopefully your next pregnancy will be healthy !! Your not usin any assistance for pregnancy only opks right? Baby dust

11 years ago

Hi everyone! I'm trying for a JUNE baby since my birthday is April, fiance in May and my DS who is 7 yo has a birthday in JULY.

This is my 1st actively trying to conceive cycle. I had a miscarriage in December and started birth control that Feb and only did a month of it as I was turning into a crazy woman. Since then my cycles has been right on time every month leaving me with a 26 day cycle and CD13-14 ovulation. Pretty similar to you @IRISH LADY.

I will be using IC opk's from WONDFO and charting. along with baby Aspirin 81 mg from CD1-POS or NEG pregnancy test.

I hope everyone has luck with getting a bean to stick and make an arrival 9 months from now. GOODLUCKK!!

Thinkin' *PINK* and

11 years ago

Hello everyone!

So this is cd8 for me and I received a high fertility status from my fertility monitor so that means ovulation is on route probably Friday or Saturday.

Evening primrose oil has definitely increased my cm, so I am happy with the results and will continue until ovulation.

Sending some

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11 years ago • Post starter

Just starting my 2ww. Good luck everyone!

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11 years ago

Irish lady.. What is primrose oil. I'm wondering if I should take something to help mine out, I never have a problem but the clomid I've heard dries it out.

11 years ago

Evening primrose oil is a capsule that comprises of omega 6 oils and extract from the primrose plant. It has many uses (goggle) and can be helpful in increasing egg white stretchy cm. it is taken from day 1 until ovulation, as it can cause contractions in pregnancy.

How is everyone else?

I am in the fertility period .....

I am expected to ovulate on Friday so I plan to start pineapple core for 5 days starting then. I heard that Brazil nuts assist in implantation, going to look into that.

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11 years ago • Post starter

Cd14 and ovulating today!! Hopefully dh wants to bed tonight, I am hoping to get in 5 times during the last 7 days of fertility (according to monitor, peak yesterday and today). My temp jumped 1 degree this morning from yesterday????

How is everyone else?

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11 years ago • Post starter

Starting using my opk last thursday today is cd 13 and no positive yet. Hoping for tomorrow or tuesday for my smiley!

11 years ago

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