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February 2016 Babies

I'm going ahead and starting this board since I know for sure I'm out January. ladies!

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

267 Replies • 9 years ago



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I've been following every month for awhile. I'll join in here. I'm on CD 2, but I have long cycles, so by the time I ovulate, my edd would definitely be in February.

This last cycle was my first after 6 months on clomid. We're going back to just trying on our own. I just started temping this cycle too, so this should be interesting.

This is my 25th cycle of ttc #2. My DD is going to be 4 in July.

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9 years ago

Yeah, I might as well move on over. It's looking like I'm not going to ovulate this cycle. On CD 19 and still no positive opk. This would be the first cycle for that. :( So depressing.

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9 years ago

Hey Ladies,

I figured I should go straight to this board since I've been told that I shouldn't try for a month to let my body heal after a CP. Lucky cycle number 23 If I'm lucky I'll have a baby mid to late Feb. I'll be doing my second medicated IUI cycle. Hooray for Clomid.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Hi girls,
I'm moving to the Feb. board since showed up today. Trying for #2, my second month on femara. Hopefully this is our month for a !
and to all!

9 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Figured I should come on over to this board...wont know until next week if I will truly be in for a February baby or if I will have to wait yet another month. That would upset me...tired of being put on hold.

For those of you who do not know me you can click on my name and it should take you to my countdown page and there is a list of everything I have been through throughout this journey. I did not temp this month...didn't see the point and needed a break.

An update to that list is...I started spotting Friday. Which is weird for me because in the past when I was on BCP's that never happened mid-cycle. I am thinking these must be a different type of BCP's. Or because of the reasoning I am on them maybe that is why. That or it only happens the first month and when I started them before, well, it was so long ago I just don't remember. Yesterday it seemed to be more of a really light AF. I might call the doctors office and just confirm that this is normal. He did say spotting was normal...but for this long? Not sure if I can really call it AF...another reason I am going to plan to call the doctors office. I can't wait till this week is over then I can stop taking them.

Quick question for you ladies...I have heard you can go to the dollar store and get cheap tests...Well which dollar stores do you go to and where do you find them? I went into a Dollar Tree by my house and I couldn't find any...didn't really feel like asking anyone either.

bookgirl87: Thanks for staring up this page. I thought about doing it and then didn' How are you doing? How's your DH? Has he started the meds yet?

brinacortes85: Welcome!!! I hear ya on the long TTC journey! We are TTC #1 and right now I am in my 26th cycle. Unless the doc says to think of this spotting as AF then it's our 27th cycle. How long did it take you to try for your DD?

kelley828: So sorry your cycle is acting this way. I wrote you a message on the January board...which I can copy over to here...
"You know after I had my first mc. The month DH and I were trying on our own, my temps were really weird and I never got a +OPK that month either and we still got lucky that month. Granted that's the month we ended up having our 2nd mc but at least we still O'd, obviously. So even though your temps are acting weird it's smart that you are still BD'ing...because you never know. "
My doctor told me before not to bother temping...maybe that is why...but I still do it.

Margie_M: Hey girl! So have you started your AF yet or are you still waiting for this cycle to actually start? I pray this month is a sticky bean for you!
I pray we get to do our 3rd IUI next month

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

madelinesmommy: Sorry didn't see you posted until after I posted.

Welcome to the board and hope this is our month!

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Hi ladies,

Lolo - I'm currently CD13 after my CP. I'm just waiting for this cycle to finish (probably in about 2 weeks ish) so I can try again. I'm not looking forward to the clomid side effects again but at least it sort of worked. When do you start your next cycle?

madelinesmommy - Welcome, I hope you get your BFP this month.

Bookgirl - How is your DH doing with the treatment? Thanks for starting up the February board. I meant to but my phone isn't ideal for starting forums and I forgot by the time I got to my regular computer.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Just a quick update: heard back from doctors office. Spotting and light flow is normal. And it's not the start of a new cycle.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Lolo: I sneezed and got pregnant with my DD. Never thought I would ever have this much trouble the second time around. All tests are normal for us too.

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9 years ago

Brina - I'm in the same boat, all of my tests came back normal and we still have no idea why we can't (or haven't) gotten pregnant. I'm going for #1 though, so maybe my body is just having a lot of trouble figuring it out. FX that this month we all get our sticky BFPs.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

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