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Thin milky discharge at 8/9 dpo???

Ok I am confused...
I believe I ovulated on/around 1/10/14 (dtd on 1/10 & 1/11) which would make me 9 dpo.

At 6 dpo, I had a few twinges in my abdomen but brushed them off.

At 7 dpo, More twinges and also a weird pressure down there on either side of my labia (sorry for tmi).

Yesterday at 8 dpo, crampy in area above pubic bone, pressure "down there" and LOTS of milky discharge which seems to be leukorrhea to me. I also just FELT different! Ran to Dollar Tree and took test which maybe had the faintest of faint lines ( I know its early) but hubby said he didn't see anything.

Today at 9 dpo, took dollar tree test w fmu and bfn. Still having milky discharge but not as much, still cramping above public bone and my hips hurt today.

Anyone else having these symptoms go on to BFP? Does it sound promising or am I out?

13 Replies • 10 years ago



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I'm 10 DPO and yesterday at 9DPO i had milky white discharge, BFN this morning. Also had some cramps for the past few days. Hope those are good and promising signs

10 years ago

I also had a BFN this morning : ( but I'm still having the milky discharge and my lower back is killing me. Twinges in my lower abdomen right above pubic bone too. Idk!!!! Ugh!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi girls, I'm also 9DPO today and this morning I felt something coming out.. was praying it wasn't blood (sorry TMI) when I went to the bathroom there was milky white CM (heaps of it, I don't ever recall this much)... I also had some weird cramping as well...
Didn't test as I think it's still very early.
I'm also hoping it's a good sign.. been TTC for a while now...
Keep me posted!!

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10 years ago

Hi! I'm 10dpo and the past 5 days I have been feeling the same nagging cramps here and there and EXTREMELY bloated and also white discharge! I've just been feeling odd!

I tested yesterday and it was neg. but I remember from
My first child that it's still early! With my daughter I tested the day before my expected period and it was negative and then tested the day I was due and it was positive! So crazy but I know one day can make a difference!! Will test again on the 24 which is expected period date!

Good luck with everything you are not alone! :)

10 years ago

I am also due for AF on the 24th.... I will surely keep you all posted!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies... any BFPs yet????

I'm 11DPO today- since I last wrote on here, I've noticed that the milky white discharge has gone away totally... I'm on the dry side now! I'm thinking it can't be good... and waiting for AF to come tomorrow as always !

How about you guys? Still have creamy white CM??
Hope to hear of some BFPs!!!

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10 years ago

It's 12 dpo for me, BFN this morning on First Signal : (
Still having the milky white dc and mild cramps. Also noticed my gums were bleeding earlier while brushing. All signs point to baby but the test says no so guess I'll see if AF comes Friday : (

Anyone else get a BFP??????

10 years ago • Post starter

MsConception... you have some good signs... Give it a few more days, maybe pt isn't picking it up yet! Keep us posted!!

I'm 13 DPO today and waiting any minute now to get AF. Was supposed to come yesterday but sometimes it comes 13-14DPO... so today or tomorrow.. I'm happy my LP is extending... it's usually short.
However, I'm no longer dry as I last wrote... many times I thought AF came but it's just dc....

Anyone else a BFP???

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10 years ago

Miracle80, today is 14dpo and no AF yet although I feel crampy. I'm usually on time so she'll prob be here today sometime.

I didn't even bother testing today bc already feel out. I've never tested BFP this late with any of my other pregnancies so boooooooooo AF!!!! lol...

Still have lots of BFP symptoms so idk what's going on... chemical perhaps??????

10 years ago • Post starter

MsConception- well... you never know!!
Stay positive... until AF comes you're still in the game (at least that's what I try to tell myself)!!
GOOD LUCK and I hope it's NOT a chemical!

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10 years ago

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