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1 Dpo, anyone want to stress together?

I am 1 dpo and this month I thought if anyone wants to stress with me and symptom spot? We will probably all turn into crazy people by the end of it but we'll be crazy together lol.
13 days to test!!!!

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44 Replies • 8 years ago



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Yes I will I'm 3 dpo and very gassy

8 years ago

Hi UmmSaaheim,

Glad I am not alone!! I have heard gassy is a good sign. The only thing I have really noticed at the moment is tiredness and feeling really warm all the time. I am normally quite a chilly person but not since I ovulated. Fingers crossed for us

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8 years ago • Post starter

Hey there, I'm exactly the same 1dpo, been trying for about 8 months now, getting more and more TCC obsessed as time goes on. Cannot stop looking at the POAS images.

8 years ago

Good evening ladies! I'm 33, new to this whole thing, and have only been TTC #1 for about 3 cycles. I'm currently 4dpo I think (I'm new to BBT and CM checking and I'm mostly going off my tracker predictions until I get a better grasp). I refuse to even purchase HPTs until I get to day 12 as it just makes me crazy. I'm trying not to symptom spot but let's face it, I'm gonna do it anyway.

8 years ago

Hi Loupor, join the waiting team lol I have been trying for 5 months and I feel the same, I think I am going to drive myself mad. But I think I need to relax otherwise it won't happen. Let me know your symptoms as you go.

Welcome lawolfe, so you are just ahead of us on 4 dpo, any symptoms yet? I know its hard so early on. I am the same as you, this month I am not going to test until I am late.

I am 2 dpo today and not really feeling any different from any other day however my ovulation acne has died down thank goodness! 12 days to test!!!

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8 years ago • Post starter

Hi Sezzyeb, God its headwrecking! I know I ovulated two days ago, so DPO2 its insane how slowly time goes between O and test. Its 8 months-ish, now we've been trying, I'm 37 so went and had bloods done to check my egg count. Wont get the results till next week. Trying to figure my way through my symptoms.. obviously because I'm obsessive now, but I find CM hard to decipher really, I don't notice massive changes in it through the month, but I have horrendous hayfever and have to take antihistamine's every day, which I know can affect how much CM you produce.. Like you I'm trying to relax lol its not easy! But so far, DPO 1, achy twinges around ovaries and lower back and was hungry and warm, had no heat on in the house all day, my usual position is sitting against the radiator summer or winter, I really feel the cold. Today twinges and aches gone.. coffee tastes weird not sitting right with me.

You feeling any symptoms?

Hey Lawolfe, :-) I'm using Tracker and trying to CM check and CP check, and opks. I've never BBT I don't think I'd remember to do it every morning. lol

8 years ago

I think I ovulated either Monday or Tuesday as had EWCM on Monday night but also with me it is really hard to tell. Now it has changed to (TMI) milky runny so who knows.
My partner and I baby danced Sunday and Tuesday so I hope I am in with a chance. I had been diagnosed as anovulatory as I had been on the pill for so long. It means that my ovaries don't release mature eggs as I am not producing enough estrogen. But I have lost weight and completely cut out alcohol and fatty foods which has made a huge difference and now I am ovulating again .
The only symptoms that I can pinpoint at the moment is a mild pressure in (what feels like) my womb. Could be in my head as I'm looking for it and I also feel really warm. Still feel tired but I have been exercising a lot this week.

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8 years ago • Post starter

Hey Sezzyeb - my fertile window according to app was 7th to 12th, we BD'd 5th 7th 8th 10th 12th and 13th to be sure lol! I had positive OPK after watching it rise gradually over that fertile window, to positive on the morning of 12th with drop again on the 13th. So If there was an egg it was released then.
I'm having the same mild pressure, CM is white and lotion like and CP is high soft closed.
I had been so warm but the temp in the office today is freezing and I'm cold so that's a worry for me today.. don't want to see any drop in temp.
They say pinapple core up to dpo 4 can help to make a sticky baby, as it is a mild blood thinner, makes it easier to implant. I had some the last two days, just a square of it.
Taking TTC vits and trying to drink water which I am terrible at.

Is this your first child? keep reading 2dpo symptom pages.. I've no discomfort in my nipples or anything like that. just that nausea with the coffee this morning and the twinge cramps that were gone this morning but are now back.

8 years ago

Wow Loupor, you have been a busy bee . Yes, this would be my first baby, would it be yours too?
I haven't got any boob pain either but I have other months and thought I was definitely pregnant and wasn't. Our bodies are so confusing . To be honest, I haven't used opk's or been temping this month as I wanted to see if it would happen naturally, we'll see won't we!
That's interesting about pineapple, I will have to try it and Kiwi helps too.

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8 years ago • Post starter

Anyone still with me?

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8 years ago • Post starter

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