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Anyone else 4dpo. . . cycle buddy?

Hello. . .
I'm about 4dpo - - not entirely sure since I didn't use an OPK and just went off of using temps and an app that predicts when I should (for now...I will use OPKs next month if AF shows)

I was just wondering if anyone would like to be a cycle buddy. . . or a listening ear to all of my symptom spotting and my POAS addiction in another week.

We can drive each other crazy? lol

130 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hi! I'd love a buddy. I'm 3DPO today. I tested super early the last 2 cycles and just got bummed that there was no positive. I'm going to try to hold off longer this time!

8 years ago

I've made a promise to myself that I'm not going to test before the 30th! I'm only 5 days away from that, but it's still extremely hard!! My cycle is only 26 days... I was testing the beginning of this month like a crazy person because last cycle at 8dpo and 9dpo, I had some very light pink spotting---it only happened once a day, each day... and I assumed that was implantation bleeding. So by 9do-11dpo I was testing every morning, and then sometimes in the evening just because I couldn't control myself. LOL my SO was joking with me and told me he was going to go buy me popsicle sticks because I must just enjoy peeing on things. :)

AF came 3 days early for me last cycle. I had so may 'signs and symptoms' other than a BFP that I was pregnant, I'm not sure if I had a chemical pregnancy--- or if I had a MC... my daughter took a terrible fit and was hitting her head off my stomach pretty hard---so it could have caused it. I'm trying to not let that emotionally destroy me, since I didn't know for sure . . . but I feel that you can symptom spot anything else, EXCEPT for making yourself spot around the days of implantation.

When my daughter was conceived, that night I was terribly nauseated. I wasn't TTC with her, she was a surprise. I was on BC, but with my PCOS---it actually balanced out my hormones and made me able to get pregnant rather than prevent it... We were on vacation and I was just feeling super tired and nauseated-- I didn't realize it at the time, but I'm about 90% sure that's when conception happened. . .

Today I'm at 4dpo, and I'm exhausted and I had some nausea for about 30 minutes when I smelled a coworkers lunch (it was pizza, probably one of my favorite foods) I also had a strange shooting pain through my right nipple--- I've never felt it before. Dr. Google tells me that it could be a good sign... but I'm trying very hard not to let my mind run with things.

Sorry for the book... just excited to share my story and have a buddy! :)

8 years ago • Post starter

I don't mind at all!

I don't really get any noticeable symptoms when I'm first pregnant, other than sometimes hard stools/constipation. I never even had any morning sickness or food aversions with my daughter (she's 2). So, just a boring waiting period for me to suffer through til it's time to test.

I've had 2 miscarriages since starting trying for #2, and on my 3rd cycle since the most recent miscarriage. I've been using OPKs since my ovulation is not exactly at 14 days, so our timing has been quite good. I hope this time it worked!

8 years ago

I'm only 1dpo and i think anything I'm feeling today is leftover ovulation symptoms. Random aches and tenderness in my lower stomach, increased CM, back ache. I have bad PMS so my early symptoms and AF signs are extremely similar. I'm a POAS addict and will probably start testing at 7dpo i have tons of internet cheapies to pee on

8 years ago

Hello ladies!!
Nothing too interesting happening yet... I had a pinching cramp last night around my left hip--it woke me out of my sleep. This morning I'm feeling sluggish and a little queasy... I went to bed relatively earlier than I normally would too. And out of nowhere I had a low backache when walking my daughter into school this morning. . .

All little things that I could of course just be hyper-aware of since it's the awful TWW and everything seems to be noticed.

Have a good day ladies!

8 years ago • Post starter

Is this POAS Anonymous? Ok...

Hello, my name is Kirjavaa, I´m currently 7DPO TTC #1 and ive just pulled an IC out of the garbage.
Yes, I know...

In the meantime i´ll be glad to add my grain of salt during the 2ww of this post !

to all !

Kir -

8 years ago

Haha, I definitely had a problem with POAS addiction for the last two cycles! I started around 8 or 9 DPO and sometimes tested twice a day. It was just disappointing :( I'm going to try hard to wait til 12 DPO this time. Today is 4DPO. So long to wait...

No symptoms to report.. but that's typical for me. I actually got pregnant last fall and miscarried without knowing I was pregnant!

8 years ago

Hello Kir!!

It kinda feels like a POAS anonymous!

Welcome!! I just get myself so worked up, that I need somewhere to vent (okay, sometimes complain) about the frustrations during these two weeks. . . you're not far off, you're welcome to join me in complaining and venting too. :)

I have resisted the urge, even though looking at others 5dpo or 6dpo and seeing that it IS possible to get a very faint BFP really REALLY makes me want to test in the morning!! I've promised myself that I am not going to test until Saturday morning, because even at 9dpo-- that's really early.

I'm still having backaches, and I feel I could fall asleep at any moment. I could just be stressed out and slept funny last night-- guess we will see!!

to all!!

8 years ago • Post starter

I have bad poas addiction every cycle. Lol! Hubby doesn't mind since ICs are so cheap. My earliest bfp was 8dpo evening urine with my second pregnancy. But it was so faint some people couldn't see it. With my third i tested negative until 11dpo FMu with a FRER. And got a bfp at 9dpo with our fourth.
Today is 2dpo and i did an opk for the fun of it (very negative). Feeling low back ache still and a dull ache in my lower stomach. But I've had that in past in BFN cycles. This weekend my daughter turns 5 and I'm hoping the busy weekend will keep my mind off of symtptom spotting.

8 years ago

Gah, is it really only 5DPO today??

8 years ago

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