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when should I tell my husband?

My husband and I are TTC baby number 2. My period is due Dec 6th, if we get pregnant this cycle should I tell my husband right away or make it a cute Christmas present? I'm so afraid of telling him and then having a miscarriage but I know I'm going to need his support if that happened as well...

4 Replies • 9 years ago



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I told my husband right away. He noticed I took pregnancy test from my drawer and he asked about the outcome. I always wanted a big surprise, maybe candlelit dinner and so on ;)

We lost the baby two weeks later and he was my greatest comfort, I couldn't get through it without him. I don't think I will wait any longer with our next one :)

9 years ago

Well hubby and I have been trying for over a year. I have never had a positive. But I always have planned on making it cute. Like sticking a bun in the oven or putting a note on the cat saying "I'm going to be a big brother." :)

I wouldn't wait too long, honestly if a miscarriage was to happen (though you shouldn't even think about that) you will need your husbands support. Remember he is going through this journey too.

GL hun!!

9 years ago

Thank you. Hope you guys get your baby soon!

9 years ago • Post starter

Thank you hun, I hope you do too. Keep us posted and let us know if you test. Sticky vibes your way!!!

9 years ago

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