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MARCH CONCEPTION (Maybe) OVULATING Today - Any Cycle Buddies

Hey lovely TTC Sisters!

Today is my ovulation day! Whoohooo!!! DH and I lastnight and admittedly it was great!! ((blushing)) I'm totally excited that lastnight's BD might have been just in time to catch my ever so elusive egg! Not to take any chances however I hope to ambush him tonight when he gets in! Praying of course he won't be too tired.

Anyway AF is due on 26th March, and I'm looking to group up with anyone due around then to the end of March. Or anyone ovulating today or due over the next few days.

Hook me up! Would love to trade symptoms and chart the next TWW together! Happy BD all!


User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

537 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hiya, I am ovulating tomorrow. AF 29th March. TTC since Dec. Had a missed MC in Nov my second baby. Wondering if it'll ever happen... .Been having since last week and will continue till the 29th!

to you

Good Luck

12 years ago

ladies :)

I think I ov'd today, had bad Ov pain n cramps. if not today, definitely tomorrow. I would love some cycle buddies!!!AF due March 30th.

FX this is our month


User Image Me: 23 DH: 30 Married: June 2010 ttc#1 - lets make it happen! where are you sticky bean? Need a

12 years ago

It is my O day too! I'd love to have some cycle buddies. I'm not really sure when AF is due some time between the 25-31 LOL I BF(14 months) and my cycles aren't that regular yet. I feel good about this month but I'm going to try not to test until April first. I want my baby to have a little sister for christmas :)

12 years ago

Hey ladies!

Welcome! And thank you all soo much for joining my post and becoming cycle buddies with me. I'm really looking forward to journeying this TWW with you!

Siobhan: Did you say you'll be BD till the 29th? We just did 2nights in a row and I doubt my DH could go a 3rd! Well too much BD never hurt anyone so go for it, I'm trusting this year will be your year. PS I'm sorry to hear of your losses

Eden: Glad to have you onboard, you're in good company! You are definitely OVing! Funny as I'm not cramping as I normally am during OV. Make sure you and fertilise that egg lady!

Bauer87: Glad we're OV and AF buddies! My AF is due sooner than yours, so I'm not sure I can hold out til 1 Apr. Maybe we could make a pack and test somewhere in the middle

Well the next two weeks isn't that far away ladies so happy ! And remember, if you twitch I want to know about it! to us all!


User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

12 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies!

*My first post update*

DH and I again tonight, poor man was so tired, but caved in after much playful hassle from me. While he was showering I was busy hanging my bum off the bed, wiggling my legs in the air with my back on floor, trying to get those little soldiers to get as far in as possible! A girlfriend once told me to go on my head top (not literally) after BD as that's exactly what she did before conceiving (and it worked!), so I thought I'd try it tonight and boy I was at it for a solid 10mins! I jumped up just before he came into the room but was soo out of breath, it was obvious something was up! lol

Has any of you ladies tried this method before? If so please do share. If not, it might be worth your while

Quick question to you ladeis, throughout today my CM increased significantly, so I know I was OVing today as I was pretty dry all other days prior, however when I used the First Response OV test I noticed the test line was very faint, and was disappearing very rapidly. I'm hoping the test wasn't good, but still I couldn't understand why my CM would be indicative of OV, yet the test showed very little LH Surge. Can someone explain why this might have been?


User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

12 years ago • Post starter

siobhan- you're going to bd till the 29th?!! lolll omg, you go girl, good luck to you on that

Bauer- I hope you can really hold out on the testing, god knows i can't, I always end up caving test too early, get bfn's and being depressed afterward. I am trying to take it light this month and NOT start testing at 6 dpo hahaha good luck to us on that, AND our december bubs

Steph- thnx for welcoming me .
DH and I yesterday, the day before that, and gonna try and squeeze in another round or two some time today (I may have to seduce him )
omg i am LITERALLY lol at your "after bd experience" haha, i know exactly what you mean, I use 3 large pillows under my hips now, but i've tried: putting my feet up on the headboard, handstands with DH holding my feet up for 30 mins (oh the poor, poor man ) wiggling my legs like you said, laying on the floor with my bum up on the bed lmao, bd'ing with the moon, the whole 9 yards! its hilarious, but on the up side, i don't think i might need yoga anymore

As for the cm and ov question, I personally have never gotten a positive opk, if you look at my bbt chart from last cycle, it'll show that I CLEARLY ov'd, idk if i just missed the surge or what, so i'm not using any this cycle, those lines confuse the hell out of me .

the cm is caused by the estrogen surge, ov is caused by the LH surge, so sometimes you may have fertile cm (caused by rising estrogen levels) and not Ov, or have no fertile cm at all and ov. e.g I never get EWCM , just watery. Thats why its a good idea to chart bbt along with everything else, so you;ll be sure. HTH. do you chart??


User Image Me: 23 DH: 30 Married: June 2010 ttc#1 - lets make it happen! where are you sticky bean? Need a

12 years ago

Hey Eden

Good to hear back from yah!

I had a good laugh at you're acrobatic/yoga sessions after BD and girl you are a trip! Great to see I'm not the only nutcase on this site, or even greater, to know that I'm in good company! thanks for the laughs

Good luck on seducing ur hubby for another round of , whatever it takes girlfriend just get it in! We've only ever done 2 or maybe 3nights in a row - tops! So I'm doubtful DH will be willing to give away another ouce of his strength only to wake back up at 7am - 3mornings in a row! He'll be falling asleep on the job if he doesn't quit while he's ahead! lool

Thanks for answering my question regarding CM and OV. It's interesting as I never knew that. It's no wonder the average couple in good health and age bracket, has only 20% chance of conceiving every month! And it also explains why some people are trying for years and just can never get it right because of these shanangians that happen in our bodies with or without us knowing. I never knew I can OV without CM. One month I didnt have any CM and I basically thought I didn't OV, yet that mightn't have been the case at all. Amazing. Will have to read up some more on it and educate myself for future ref.

No I don't do BBT charting but I sure wish I knew how to

lol @ 6dpo! Girl that is too early! We should ALL make make a pack to test around the same time but no earlier than 10dpo, which would take me to around next Sat - but I could hold out till Sun if yall want me to. What do you ladies say to this?


User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

12 years ago • Post starter

LOL good to know that you had a good laugh I'm also glad I found this thread. And I think personally any woman who wants a baby as bad as we do is willing to try any "yoga" pose after bd.

Well, my DH is off from wrk today, playing video games. I tried a few "moves" on him , but he said he's fresh outta swimmers hahaha!! omg men can be such a trip sometimes. I will try again in a few hours (as if the egg is WAITING till my DH is ready to bd BLEHHH) trying to explain to him we have 12-24 hrs after Ov for our last chance to "catch this little eggie" but he thinks its another scheme to get . He says he feels like a sperm donor at times LMAO!

You sure used the right word- SHENANIGANS! I honestly thought it was gonna be a breeze, this getting pregnant thing, (obviously its NOT!)i didn't even know that we're fertile for only a few days per month it suxxx!

This is a link on charting bbt, it should cover everything you need to know and get started

I think we should totally refrain from testing till around 10dpo, not sure if I can hold out longer than that This dang ttc thing is gonna make me check into an insane asylum someday if i don't get pregnant soon


User Image Me: 23 DH: 30 Married: June 2010 ttc#1 - lets make it happen! where are you sticky bean? Need a

12 years ago

hahahah @ your hubby! That's exactly what mines said! You're right about the egg not waiting until he's ready, so get busy and make him work! lol After BD last night my DH said he felt violated! As he was tired and needing sleep, but I forced him to "play", and took his sweet honey away! I was like, remember the bible says your body belongs to me and vise versa so you are not to withold yourself from me. Furthermore you are the one who "needed" a wife, now get on with your husbandry role! Poor thing went pretty quite after that I'm sure he'll be looking for a way to get back at me.

Thanks for the link, I will give it a read. Shananigans is exactly what it is! lol Like seriously it's a whole lot of work trying to get knocked up! Yet just like you, I would have bet my life savings (not much on offer ) I would've gotten pregnant the 1st night me and hubby BD after getting married! I was sooooo petrified I started taking contraceptives 1month prior but stop after 2months into marriage. I literally thought all he had to do was look at me, and undress me in his mind and that's it! Boom! I'd be pregnant! But little did I know, it takes a whole lot more than that. That's why the saying goes "to be ignorant is a crime" as what you do not know makes a lot of difference on your decision making. We kept hiting and missing for months! And there I was not realising I had to understand was ovulation was, and the timing of sex around that time is what will bring conception. Funny as up until about 24months ago, I actually thought whenever I was getting cramps and my tummy would rise, it was because I was OVing! I mean literally! I was convinced those were signs of OV, then as for the disgusting CM I got every month, I thought that was a vaginal "cold" that only me alone got, as surely no other woman on the face of the earth got that horrible looking, sticky creamy mucus! loool! Can you imagine how stupid and ignorant I felt after reading and learing what these signs and symptoms were? I have since grown fond of my CM as it's the sign I need to tell me I am infact OVing! and that I should make haste whilst the sun shines! lol Oh by the way, I got married a virgin 18months ago, so that might explain why I was soo niave

OK so 10dpo it is. That will be next Sat for me, when will yours be? BTW I had read up some more on the whole CM thing and found I'm pretty much on course. As today it's sticky and creamy in color, which is indicative of OV having finished. Yesterday and the day before it was long stretchy, clear and very egg white looking. Which made it perfect for the sperm to travel in and make it's to the egg, a sign OV is taking place. If we BD tonight, the sperm probably wouldn't go very far in today's CM. Not sure why the OPK didn't show much of a surge, I guess that had probably happen few days prior. Still I really hope the last two nights BD was good timing. Lord please let this be the month for each of us, who are desiring to conceive and have baby of our own. Amen.

Are if you in the US if not which country are you?

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

12 years ago • Post starter

hey ladies this has giving me a laugh the things us women go true :) well i ov,d 2day that it was 2moro but strong pains this morning nd al af due 30th hope ye dont mind me jioning have been since last wednesday or thursday and going to continue threw till monday its a good thing that my OH wants this just as much as me but when he see,s me with my legs in the air thinks im crazy but hey a girls gotta do what a girls gottaa do just so them swimmers can say hello to the eggy :) hopefully this our month for us al

12 years ago

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