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Posts by Lovetls

A friendly and supportive place to meet and share with women from all over the world. Ask questions, share in discussions, journal your thoughts and post helpful information.

Posts 1 - 10



Low progesterone issues

Anyone test for low progesterone issues but still have a successful pregnancy story? I have taken Clomid fo ...

1 Reply      

Latest 9 years ago



Low progesterone issues

Anyone test for low progesterone issues but still have a successful pregnancy story? I have taken Clomid fo ...

3 Answers      

Latest 9 years ago






I'm 3dpo from my second round of clomid (150mg). I monitor ovulation by Watching CM and OPKs. Last month I too ...

1 Reply      

Latest 10 years ago



Who has gotten the HSG/dye test done?

My husband and I have been TTC close to a year. I had the HSG test done on June 4th. Thankfully everything loo ...

3 Answers      

Latest 10 years ago




Has anyone used vitex to increase your chances of getting pregnant? My husband and I have been trying for 9 mo ...

4 Answers      

Latest 10 years ago



Who has taken provera/progesterone?

I've taken provera for the past six months because I am not getting my period on my own. I am still not gettin ...

3 Answers      

Latest 10 years ago





Who has taken Provera/Progesterone?

I've taken provera for the past six months because I am not getting my period on my own. I am still not getti ...

0 Answers      

Latest 10 years ago


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