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TTC after removal of paragard.

I had my paragard taken out on November 10 which is the day (according to charts) that i should ovulate I started what seems like a period on Nov 24th but it was very light and only lasted for 3 days. Has anyone ever had a light period after having an IUD removed? I took pregnancy tests up until i started bleeding but havent taken any since.

4 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by likes)

1 - 4 of 4 Answers

I had my mirena removed oct. 24 and 3 days later I got my "AF". Normal flow but very short in length only about 2-3 days. Wasn't sure if it was a normal cycle or not but i counted it as one. How long did yours last since it was really light?

12 years ago

It was about 3 days but I didnt bleed all day like i normally would. The only info i can find over this says you could experience very heavy periods after having it removed but nothing for the opposite and i didnt think to ask the doctor when i went in to have it removed.

12 years ago • Post starter

Maybe it would be a good idea to ask. I heard it can take a few months to get your cycle back, but I hear the opposite also. I guess we are all diff. I never thought to ask my Obgyn these questions either. ( think in going to call too ) Best wishes!

12 years ago


i got my mirena removed dec 13 and i bleed for 3 days not like heavy.. ive heard it can be your normal period or just bleeding from having it removed. my friend got hers removed in may and was pregnant by june! so best of luck :) :)

12 years ago

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