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Help with opk's!

I am 32 yrs old and TTC #2 for the past 5 months (in my 2 WW again now at 4dpo) anyhow...I keep hearing conflicting things about when to DTD when using OPK's. I test 2x a day usually starting on CD 10 or 11 and I always catch the surge. My DH and I this current cycle caught my surge on CD12 this time (I had tested that morning and got a neg but then at 3pm that day it was positive using dig CB smiley opk). We BD that moment, that night, the following afternoon and then again the morning of the next day. So on CD 12 (twice), 13 and 14. Would this be the best days to have BD'd? I should mention my opk went back to neg as of the afternoon of CD 14. What have you all done and gotten BFP's as a result? I am getting frustrated but have found that when we only BD 2-3 days before O we are not conceiving!

5 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 5 of 5 Answers

I should also mention I have a very regular 27-28 day cycle and believe I am ovulating on either CD 14 or 15 each cycle based on my OPK'S. Although I cannot be 100% sure because I get crampy for about 3 days overall.

12 years ago • Post starter

I've always been told to DTD as soon as you get a + OPK, during ovulation, and 2 days after (so a total of at least 4 days). I think you DTD at the right times. You did it when you got the surge, during ovulation, and the day after.

12 years ago


It sounds like you are doing what you need to do, it just sometimes takes longer than others. It's always good to BD before ovulation so that you have a supply of sperm waiting to fertilize the egg when it drops (sperm live much longer than the egg does). I'm 32 also and it took me a year to get my BFP (I used OPKs and the CBE fertility monitor). Even with perfectly timed BDing you still only have a 20% chance each cycle. In fact the month I got my BFP we only BDed once (the day before ovulation) because my DH had been sick. So you never know. When it's your time, it'll happen. The good news is that 80% of couples will conceive within a year of trying. Just hang in there. I hope it's your month:-)

12 years ago

I know at least 2 of my 4 pg'cies, we just did it once, within 1-8 hrs of the first + opk.

12 years ago

Thanks everyone for your responses! I think we timed it pretty well this time too I'm really hopeful. :o. If I don't get my BFP this cycle I'm going to try to BD the day before pos opk as well. I have heard that is ideal? Last question for a of you...does caffeine (as in 1 cup of coffee a day and maybe a diet coke) really have a negative affect on conceiving? Anyone have experience with this?

12 years ago • Post starter

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