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TTC for 6 mos - frustrated and need advice!

My DH and I have been TTC #2 for 6 mos after chem pg 1st cycle. No luck. I have always gotten positive opks between CD 11-14 and had good quality EWCM but then randomly this and last cycle I seemed drier than usual (still wet) but never saw the real stretchy stuff and it just seemed different. Also this cycle (I'm on CD 14) I have not gotten a pos opk yet. This has never ever happened. My cycles are always 26-28 days. I'm feeling so down and bummed like we are already out this cycle too. We BD'd on CD 10, 11, 13 and planned on DTD today and tomorrow as well. Has anyone else had these unexpected fluctuations or changes in their cycles with EWCM and opks and what did you do or did you conceive anyway? I should also mention we have a 3.5 year old and had no issues conceiving him after 3 months. I am taking my prenatal vitamins everyday as well as Fertile CM vitamin and green tea vitamin. Please help! I'm about to tear my hair out...

6 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by hugs)

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Change it up a little. Maybe doing the same thing over and over isn't working. We finally got pregnant at 5 months TTC, and differently we used softcups afterwards and had sex more than just in the "fertile time". We only see each other every third day because of our work schedule so we just had sex as soon as I could after my period until basically my next period (or expected period). That month was also the first month I didn't use OPK's or anything special. We just had sex and relaxed and tried not to worry about all the science behind it. Good luck!

12 years ago

Yea probably good advice :) just not sure what to change? We BD once a day sometimes skipping one day from CD 10-14 or 15. I think I'm definitely ditching the opks they make me frustrated because even when I get perfect results I don't conceive and now this cycle I'm like consumed by the negative results thinking something is wrong! When I'm sure there is nothing wrong. But I do think it's strange. Maybe I got a faulty batch? I'm getting my usual o pains and everything. It just sucks.

12 years ago • Post starter

This is my second month trying and I'm already going crazy! lol! I really feel for you! It's a difficult process when you want a baby so badly! I'm sorry about your loss also! I am kinda in the same boat as far as the OPK. I usually get a positive on CD11 and O on CD13. I am on CD14 today and still haven't gotten a positive! I have all the symptoms of O, but I am unsure if I've just missed it or if it's late, I'm frustrated and confused, lol. BUT I know if I just relax and not think about it so much it will happen. Next month I'm seriously thinking about not doing OPK's and just BD everday after my AF!! Good luck to you and I know it will happen for you!!

12 years ago

Wow we are in the same boat! The only thing I can think of is I missed it on cd 10 or early on cd 11 because I didn't start testing until late on cd 11 (if I remember correctly). But then if o day is today that would be 3 days later which is probably not normal either. But my EWCM has pretty much dried up as of today and I've been bloated and crampy only today (actually having milder than usual ov pains). I just don't know anymore. It is so incredibly frustrating. Every mo something new happens and it throws me a curve ball. I think I'm def ditching the opks and just going to focus on regular bd during mid cycle if we turn out to be unsuccessful this mo. I just bought some cheapy ov tests and it was neg too so don't think my other batch is bad. Just a mystery.

12 years ago • Post starter

Hang in there! I have a 2 yo son and we've been ttc #2 for 1.5 years... and just last week I finally got a BFP!!! I tried not to stress about it too muchwhile trying, and my obgyn told me NOT to chart every little thing. Just start taking OPK tests at CD8... and BD for 5 days in a row (if you can!) once you get a +opk. I was about ready to start Clomid... get DH tested... but then it happened!

Also, I always stayed in bed laying down after BD... give the little guys time to do their thing. Wouldn't get up until a) woke up to go potty in the middle of the night or b) morning.

Good luck! And don't give up!

12 years ago

Omgsh! I will die if I have to wait that long. You have a lot of patience. Our son will be turning 4 in Dec so that is another reason I'm so anxious to conceive now because I would like them to not be 5 yrs a part which we are getting closer and closer to now. I just never thought it would take this long. I'm really worried that something is wrong. We have done everything it seems. Opks, pressed, vitamins, I'm losing my mind! We BD this cycle on cd 10, 11, 13 and 14 I'm praying now (cd 15 today) that we get our BFP. But I already have a bad feeling because I didn't for the first time catch my lh surge so now I'm not sure if I ovulated yesterday or today? I have twinges and cramps both days. I just hope it happens for us in the next few mos because I really want another baby and a sibling for our son. It's started to consume me! I'm trying so hard to relax about it and just wait but it is very hard.

12 years ago • Post starter

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