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Is it really necessary to chart BBT and what else can I do to conceive quicker?

Hi all...on cycle 6 of TTC #2 and feel like we have tried everything. Except charting BBT because it sounds like a nightmare. I have a regular 26-28 day cycle and always catch my lh surge around cd 11-13. Pretty spot on I think however still not pregnant after DTD 3-4 days over most fertile days 6 mos now. Well in my TTW again this 6th cycle. Is it really that helpful to chart BBT or should I just keep doing what I am doing and hope for the best? We have tried preseed, vitamins, opks, etc... Also I read online that if your cycle starts to shorten say goes from 28 days to 26 (which mine has over past 2-3 mos) it means your eggs are failing? Has anyone else heard this? Really freaked me out!

3 Answers • 12 years ago



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1 - 3 of 3 Answers

I don't know about the short cycle and failing eggs. The only thing that I know that can make our eggs and ovaries fail is if our bodies don't prduce enough follicle stimiulating hormone which happens when we become premenopausal so I wouldn't freak out about that one :) No you really don't have to bbt if you are pretty regular and get positive opks around the time you should expect ovulation. I say keep on doing what you've been doing and it will happen for you before you know it!!! BBTing is kinda fun though and informative on what your body is doing. Its really not a nightmare just try to wake up at the same time everyday and just pop a thermometer in your mouth before you do ANYTHING! No drinking, no talking and no going potty. Thats all there is to it!!

12 years ago

I didn't find charting BBT to be a chore at all. I would just take my temp when I first woke in the morning (before doing anything) and then would enter it later in the morning when I got to work. It not only helped me conceive my first cycle after a m/c but it helped me to get through the TWW because I was able to focus on temps and not every symptom under the sun. Plus I liked that it confirmed when I ovulated. Helped me to get to know my body alot better, which also helped during the TWW. Good luck.

12 years ago

Hmmm well maybe I'll try it because I do have a hard time figuring out (even with opks) exactly which day I ovulate. Because I get sometimes 2-3 days of pos opks and cramps/twinges. So who knows which day it actually takes place!

12 years ago • Post starter

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