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Ok this is weird....anyone?

Ok I am TTC #2 (6 mos now) I always have either a 26-27 day cycle had one 28 day cycle a couple of months ago. Anyhow I catch my LH surge every cycle between cd 11-13 (I think I had one month where I caught it on cd 14) This cycle I started testing on cd 11 nothing (and I do test twice a day and I do not use fmu) I kept testing through cd 14 and gave up. Then randomly last night I decided to take one more opk. And pos!? I am now on cd 17 today and another pos opk this morning with fmu. What is going on? I have been having twinges/dull cramps since Monday morning (thought mon was o day) but still today I am cramping lightly and it's switching from left to right side. I got a glimpse of excitement thinking the late pos opk could mean I am already pregnant. But when I do the math it doesn't seem possible. Plus I had no o pains (always get o pains) on cd 11-13. I did have EWCM on those days though and we BD'd on cd 10, 11, 13 and 14. Anyone have any thoughts here? Or a similar experience?

1 Answer • 12 years ago



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I wanted to add that I am freaking out that now the last time we DTD was mon and if I am just o'ing late say I o'd tues or wed did we DTD too far from o? We were both too exhausted to BD again last night after I first got the pos opk and my DH is over it!! Lol should I try to convince him to BD again this afternoon? Just for good measure?

12 years ago • Post starter

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