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Question about luteal phase length and cramps as pg sign?

Hi all...I am in my 6th month TTC #2 and had very late ovulation this cycle (for me) on cd 17. My first question is does the length of your luteal phase stay constant? My luteal phase is usually 13 days based on past cycles. How do you calculate it? Do you count the day of ov as day 1 through the first day of your next AF?

My second question is I am 9 dpo today and had definite menstrual like cramps yesterday at 8 dpo on/off and lower back ache but today it has kind of disappeared, except for maybe a slight crampiness. Is this a good sign at all? Or should I just not get my hopes up? Ugh I'm so frustrated with this process and the thought of having to go through yet another TWW. Anyone get cramps around this time and a BFP later? My period is probably not due until 8/21 (tues).

Thanks for any responses/advice!

2 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

1 - 2 of 2 Answers


Your luteal phase will generally stay constant, although ovulation date may vary. Start counting from the day after your ovulate to the day you get your period for the length.

Some people say they have cramping with implantation. I never did, but so many other people say they do. I would suspect that cramping is neither a good nor a bad sign and likely a response to progesterone, which you have whether you're pregnant or not -- but what do I know?

12 years ago

its the part of the cycle that starts at ovulation and ends the day before your next period. It usually lasts about 14 days and does not vary by more than a day in each person. so you calculate from the day you ovulate ( and you must use opks , ya cant guess or you will get inaccurate results, to the the day before bleeding starts.
I got slight belly cramps few days before I was due, no back ache though, and it only lasted about a hour or so.

12 years ago

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