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Anyone ever had leg pain as a symptom and get a BFP?

I am in my 6th cycle TTC #2 so as you can imagine I am looking at EVERY symptom! But all jokes aside I know I am not imagining this one. Since about 8-9 dpo (I'm 12 dpo today) I have been having this slight pain in my left leg - it starts high almost in my butt and goes down to my calf and shin. Also in my knee. Every now and then I'll get it on the right only in my knee but it has been mostly on the left side. I have never had this before. It feels like a growing pain or my muscles stretching. Not a cramping pain. I took an hpt yesterday not with fmu (at 11 dpo) and stark white BFN and I was SO bummed cause I really thought this could be a sign for me. Anyone else experienced this and got a BFP? Also am I testing too soon? I'm too scared to test today so I'm just waiting. I also had definite AF like cramps on 8 and 9 dpo and they have been on/off since. Probably due for AF Thursday. So last fri cramping is very early for AF...I want to keep some hope but scared to! Anyone?

2 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

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I had leg cramps but mine where in my thighs, like I had just run a 100 miles :) felt like my muscles where burning.

12 years ago

At what pt in your cycle or pregnancy did you have this? Mine is so weird it feels like someone is pulling on my leg from my foot and I can feel this tingly stretching almost even slight numbness when I'm sitting for too long - from my thigh all the way down and sometimes in my knee! I had this (way more painful) late in my pregnancy with DS but never leading up to AF or anything. Praying it's a sign.

12 years ago • Post starter

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