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Really this symptom normal at 4 wks?

I am 4 wks and 1 day pregnant...I had the usual cramping (like AF yesterday and on/off for past few days and lower back pain) today those have both subsided almost completely. Now my upper arms (bicep area) between my shoulder blades and my neck are really sore. Sometimes the soreness goes down the sides of back too. Like a feeling after you have done a long strenuous workout with weights. Is this normal at 4 wks? This is my second pregnancy and I don't remember having this before and I'm really worried because everything I look up about neck and shoulder pain during pregnancy talks about ectopic pregnancy. I have no cramping today and have had zero bleeding at all not even a spot. Please I need advice and piece of mind here. I think I've worried myself to the point of making the pain worse. Thanks

4 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Discomfort is very normal in early pregnancy but if there is blood present then its a concern. If you feel sore in your back shoulders neck i say its nothing to worry about its your hormones that might be making you feel this way. Happy and healthy 9 months to you!!!

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12 years ago

I remember with my second pregnancy, everything I did made me feel sore and bad and I was worried too. I think its normal to feel worse off the second time.

12 years ago

Hi. I would advise you just to run it past your doctor. Symptoms in pregnancy can drive us crazy, but for piece of mind get it checked though I'm sure all will be ok. x

12 years ago

Thank you all for your responses. I'm feeling much better today after sitting with heating pad last night. Still an achey soreness throughout lower and upper back and arms and neck area but really believe it is just my body adjusted to hormones and changes. As I do not have any other symptoms such as cramping, bleeding, headache, nausea, fever, chills, etc.... Feel great otherwise. First trimester is definitely nerve wracking! My muscles are just fatigued and sore guess that's my body trying to adjust. I will contact dr mon of it gets worse or does not go away by then! Otherwise trying to relax and not over do it! I also have a 3.5 year old to keep up with this go around!

12 years ago • Post starter

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