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Ok ladies please,your 12dpo symptoms and BFP stories PLEASE thanks.

Hi all.
Well just wondering what symptoms u ladies had at 12dpo and onwards and when u tested and when u got your BFP what dpo where u , thank you, congratulations to those who have their BFP and baby dust to all who are waiting for theirs.

10 Answers • 11 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 10 of 10 Answers

I was 11dpo with my bfp! , I was just feeling bloated gassy really dull cramps not like AF. As I am 5 weeks 4 days today I continue to be bloated and cramps come and go, my breasts hurt and I am always tired. Hope this helps :)! This is baby number 1 for me and hubby!

11 years ago

Thank you and congratulations and wishing u both a very happy pregnancy xx

11 years ago • Post starter

At 12 dpo I had a very light was dark red (sorry if tmi) but it only lasted for a day. I spotted the day before & the day after (11 dpo & 13 dpo). At 14 dpo (when af was due) nothing but brownish spotting only when wiping. Then 15 dpo nothing at all. I am now 18 dpo. My breasts & nipples have been tender, low back pain, hip pain & lower dull abdominal cramps. I'm hoping for a Bfp today. I'm scared & nervous but hopefully I get a bfp today at 18 dpo.

11 years ago

Thank u and very best of luck Hun , I am getting like this to scared to test , aww best of luck and baby dust and keep me posted please , thanks xx

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies! I just got my BFP this weekend at 14dpo. My symptoms were cramps (very much like AF cramps at first, but became more dull, sometimes like a side stitch and sometimes actually moving down through my groin), no AF (I usually spot a few days before AF so by the time I reached day 30 of a 30 day cycle w/o spotting I had an idea), and my boobs were REALLY sore! Usually they get sore when I poke the sides or the tops, but they ached this time randomly without reason!

I had read elsewhere that some women get vivid dreams, and I did note that it was a little bit bizarre that I had three nights of very vivid dreams at 3, 4 and 5 dpo.

Best of luck to you ladies!!

11 years ago

Congratulations on your BFP did u test before 14 dpo ???
I wish u a happy and healthy 9 to both u and baby :)) Whoo

11 years ago • Post starter

I just got my BFP yesterday, 10dpo. Sunday March 3rd and Monday March 4th, I got massive cramps like AF was on her way. Tuesday, I spotted a little pink and then light brown on Wednesday, Thursday, and finally stopped Friday. Other than the cramps and implantation bleeding, I have bloating and I'm tired too. I'm actually 3w4d so I pray this little one sticks, had a miscarriage last summer.

11 years ago

AF came today so all those lovely symptoms ment nothing and NO AF symptoms this cycle , weird . Never mind on we go ..
Good luck to every one and BABY DUST to u all xx thank you to all who answered .

11 years ago • Post starter

Please check out my HPT image. BFP???? Had a faint line last night and darker today.

10 years ago

LMP 12/2/15 Due for AF on 1/1/16 took 100mg Clomid CD 5-9. BD pretty much every other day this month. I think I ovulated on 12/18. BFN today (11 dpo). For the last few days I have had a stuffy/runny nose. Occasional twinges in bbs. I had some mild cramping without back pain for the last 3 days. (I usually don't have any AF symptoms until I flow). I had a really vivid dream last night that we had twins!! I am hoping for a BFP this month but I'm discouraged by lack of symptoms and this mornings BFN with Clear Blue Easy line test :( I have noticed that my panties are damp the last two days??? (sorry, TMI). Also, I have been very irritated the last couple of days.

8 years ago

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