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Who has taken provera/progesterone?

I've taken provera for the past six months because I am not getting my period on my own. I am still not getting it on my own but I feel like my dr doesnt care and it's offering other suggestions. Just wondering who else has taken provera and if they've gotten pregnant from taking provera or if they also had to take clomid to get pregnant? How long did it take you to get pregnant? I just want to be pregnant so badly and I am tired of waiting and trying because that's all my dr is suggesting. Maybe it's time to find a new OBGYN?!

3 Answers • 10 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 3 of 3 Answers

My dr. Just put me on it thus month. But mine is bc I was having spotting before my period. Hope it all works out! Keep us posted.
Baby dust!

10 years ago


I have never heard of using Provera to get pregnant. I am currently on it because my cycles are abnormally long and are never regular. This is day three of Provera for me and I still haven't gotten my AF. Really hope it starts soon because I really need to get an HSG done.

10 years ago

I have pcos and have used provera. Provera helps ttc because it helps jumpstart new cycles when you dont ovulate regularly. Sometimes, if you jumpstart a cycle, your body will naturally ovulate the next cycle. But I have never seen this. Everyone I know that has used it, has to go on clomid to induce ovulation. Provera is really only used to jump start the next cycle.
Most of the time, your cycle will start after you STOP the provera (not during). Just like normal cycles, you start to bleed when your natural progesterone drops. It's basically withdraw bleeding just like when on birth control pills. If you are taking provera everyday it wont help cause provera hinders ovulation. I'd get a second opinion.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago

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