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Am I pregnant?

Last month I got my AF on cd 25, but this month I'm on cd 27, no AF. My bbt temp for last four days is raised but not a constant single reading , it's between 97.4-97.1. This is the highest of my temps and they have stayed there. I notice that I'm a little moody ( most of the times happy but sometimes weepy for silly little things on TV )from past 10 days. Get backache sometimes and there is twitching or pulling in my lower abdomen. Most importantly I'm very hungry from past 5 days. After I started my metformin for PCOS my food craving or hunger was on halt for almost 3 months, this change in craving is sudden. TMI , I have this crazy feel while making love, my body feels so good like never before. I did not take a test thinking it's too early and also I'm scared of getting a neg.

4 Answers • 10 years ago



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Answers (sorted by likes)

1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Have you been charting the whole cycle to confirm ovulation? Your temps are on the low side for post ovulation.

10 years ago

Early sign of pregnancy for me is I get weepy. Really the best thing to do is take a test. GL and hope you get a positive!!!

10 years ago

@eag923: I have been charting from past 3 months. Previous to taking metformin I had short cycles around 21 days exact, but after metformin it's extended but not a clock work ,that is 1st month 33, 2nd 25 day cycle. Now waiting for 3rd AF . Usually my temps are around higher 95 to 96 range, only during ovulation it rises above 97. But these four days I don't think its ovulation or something as it is very near to AF .
I checked for thyroid but it came out normal both times. I just doubt my progesterone levels.

@wildflower73 : thank you , I'll wait for another 4 days and then take a test.

10 years ago • Post starter

If you're 14+ dpo, I would test. If you've charted correctly, then you should know when you ovulated, and you should know from previous charts how long your lp is every month. Once you get to 18 dpo, you're generally either pregnant or you've started your period as the corpus luteum can only live up to about 17 days. Gl to you! Hope you get your bfp!

10 years ago

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