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9 days late, 2 HPTs (-)???

First of all, sorry for TMI! I am 9 days late, never have been this late, on my AF due date had a brown streak in my cm when I wiped (thought it was AF) but nothing since. Then started to get cramps but very mild and it's nothing like period cramping (have them since then and still do periodically), recently my nipples became very sensitive (have been for the past 3 days). I tested when I was 8 days late but got 2 negative HPTs. I don't understand why, I've never been so late, factors such as stress, illness, bad eating habits, etc. aren't ones that apply in my situation, I'm perfectly fine.For the past couple of days have been so wet that each time I keep thinking "oh, my period came" but no. My cm is different and varies in color and texture, sometimes white, sometimes clear, sometimes watery, sometimes very stretchy and thick. Anyone test positive after being very late and getting negatives?

1 Answer • 8 years ago



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Answers (sorted by hugs)

1 - 1 of 1 Answers

Hey girly! I just got my BIIIIIGGGG positive yesterday! You could most def be pregnant! My symptoms were feeling really wet all the time (which was somewhat normal for me before my period) and period-like cramps also with a sharp pain that lasted 5-10 seconds once in a while, Also blue veins all over my boobs and chest (not to noticeable but I noticed!) I was just waiting for my period to start always running to the bathroom to check for AF but it never came so I bought a test and BFP! I tested 2 days after I missed my period and the line was darker than the control line and it appeared within 5 seconds. NEVER and I mean NEVER get discouraged that you wont get pregnant, It took me and my boyfriend 9 months with no fertility pills or any help, Just vitamin C! Now going to the doctors tomorrow to confirm! goodluck, babydust to you!

8 years ago

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