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Possible Hysterectomy? No more children?

So, 44 years old and pregnant with #10. On Wednesday, I went for an ultrasound. Dr at the ultrasound viewed my scans and noticed that my uterine lining is thin.

Since I had 1 C-section in the past, he's worried I'll have a uterine rupture. So after seeing the scan, he told me I have to get another C-section for this one at 37 weeks and no later. My obgyn Dr will look at my uterus at that time and decide to have me get it removed, something to where I won't be able to have any more children, or leave it be where I can have more. So I won't know until then what will happen.

I've been weighing all the good and the bad on all this. Emotionally, I don't want to stop having kids. I love them so much and honestly, I want to go into labor on my own. But I understand the risks. So I see my Dr again next month and we will decide what to do. My heart just feels crushed

I'm currently 26 weeks pregnant.

3 Comments • 7 weeks ago



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Doing my research a bit. Found out some natural ways to improve the thickening of my uterine lining. I'll have to check with my Dr on a few more things.

7 weeks ago • Post starter

Hi, I am not an expert but I always search answers on where real top fertility experts share their recommendations. Hope this helps.

#1 IVF failed, no implantation #2IVF failed, no implantation, #3IVF - a new clinic in Gdansk

7 weeks ago

Thank you so much ???? I'll look into it. I'm still looking at everything and options, etc. I know I have a lot of questions, which isn't like me (asking questions). I got to start writing it all down so I can ask my Dr next time I see him.

7 weeks ago • Post starter

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