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My TTC Journey & Chaos

We'll I have to say this has been the most wild ride I have ever been on in a TTC journey . Being a mom of 5 who has had multiple miscarriage's, chemicals, and live births over the years I am pretty spot on with my body and how it operates or feels however this ride has been so crazy that I am so confused and can't process so here's a little breakdown for me.

After our last lo I decided for the 2nd time to get the IUD (Mirena) to which I had inserted 04/2021 and kept in for the past 3 years. For the past year or so it was becoming painful and bothersome to my husband as well and it no longer was an invisible in my body but a foreign body I was now very self aware was there and not ok! Life had been pretty busy the past year or so and I kept putting off removal. May 12th-15th, 2024 I had the first period I had ever had since IUD insertion which was my final like wtf moment, a week later, finally on 05/22/2024 my OB removed it, after quite a bit of struggle as apparently it had turned sideways. He said I was good to go and should roll on as normal cycle wise there should be no delay (which I had read up a lot on and this is a 50/50 seems like). We had previously decided to have one more baby anyways to complete our family.

We was intimate on May 19,23,24,26,26 &30th (all after removal) I did however spot on each of those days except 23rd which I dismissed as I just figured still healing from IUD removal and body adjusting etc. Moving into June I had a horrific, heavy with clotting bleed from June 7-13th at times thinking I would legit die from it sorry for TIM. Definitely worse of my entire life and I have had the iud before and returned right back to normal cycle immediately after removal.

Finally the forever bleed ended and we was intimate June 15-18, 22-23,26 and 29th. Here comes July, AF was due on 7/5/24 but never came! I have never missed a period in my life before or after any type birth control IUD included. Now I am 38 now, so I know age brings some changes as well but this is insane. Needless to say on all my other pregnancies I found out anywhere from 3.5-4 weeks usually early other then my very first baby I was 6 weeks because I was young and thought I had the flu .

So here I am 19 days late for AF, I have tested multiple times, occasionally a vvfl however to not have a strong by now I am saying evap city on the ones that did hit, although multiple different brands and times of day. I have every physical symptom I have pregnant, very intense blue veins all over (mine are very prominate in my face chest and upper arms when pregnant and are currently like that, boobs swollen, veins and milk bumps, had a couple bouts of nausea only with my coffee, headaches have been my biggest issue and my cervix is extremely high and closed.

I'm so weary with this all and confused as I don't know what. I have thought of everything from I ovulated super late to the horrid bleed I had was a very heavy implantation bleed and I'm much further along then thought to the I'm flat out crazy as hell!! Any words of wisdom, advice, hope, I'll take it all! To those TTC my heart is with you all! This journey isn't always easy! and to anyone who has gotten their

2 Comments • 6 weeks ago



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Did you try a blood test? Maybe that would help determine if pregnant or not. But yeah I know what you mean with getting older. I have 9 kids and my youngest is 10 mos. old I will be 44 this year and let me tell you when I reached my 40's getting pregnant with my last 2 babies was harder than in my 30's like usual. I did have my IUD taken out before I got pregnant with my 6 child I was about 37 then. I didnt even get my period after removing it and then found out I was pregnant while patiently waiting for AF to arrive. I'd say give it a few more months for period to regulate - best wishes

6 weeks ago

I am hoping to get in for a blood test in the next day of two if AF still hasn't shown! Thank you so much for you reply and kind words, aging has it's pros but sure has some cons :). Hopefully within the next few months everything will sort it's self out. And love that you have a large family, I was one of 6 growing up so my love for large family and children has always been huge. Wouldn't trade a minute of it for anything!

6 weeks ago • Post starter

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