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February 2016 Babies

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I'm going ahead and starting this board since I know for sure I'm out January. ladies!

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

267 Replies • 9 years ago



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@JenIhusson no it doesn't have to be darker. Tests can be different how sensitive they are even if they should react on the same level of hcg. It is really early for you so the level of hcg is very low. Don't give up hope. Wait a day or two and test again.

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9 years ago

appeli: thanks you for easing my mind. I know I put too much thought and emotional into these pregnancy tests! I will take a digital if I miss my AF.

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9 years ago

Well it is cd 33,10-11 dpo for me. due tomorrow. Was going to test this morning but my dogs woke me up early. Half asleep I put them out and went pee. Whoops. Guess I will test tomorrow. Have been ttc for #2 with opk & temp & cm charting since January. Been off bc since mar 2014. So I got tired of being patient. Our dd was a surprise. She is turning 13 next month. She wants a sibling so having her support is great. No other family members know we are actively trying. Dr appt in a couple weeks if no luck this cycle.
Love reading your posts wishing everyone

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9 years ago

Hey ladies! Welcome to all the new comers!

Risa - I hope the doesn't show for you and you get your

Jenl - I have my fingers crossed for you, tests will be very faint this early.

Sailor - I know what you mean on the sex life and losing yourself bit, it's hard to keep things spicey and get the BD done when it's the right time to try and catch the egg. I'm right there with you with the obsessing part, lots of POS and making sure vitamins are taken just in case. It can burn you out pretty quickly. and to you!

Nychick & Appeli - with your TWW!

AFM - I hope everyone is well! I'm doing well so far this cycle. DH and I were going to do SMEP this month but it hasn't really worked out so we'll just make the best of what's left of my cycle. I should O in the next day or two according to my OPK, I got a positive today (Photo is in my gallery).

DH's specialist appointment is on Wednesday the 27th, I'm praying his SA will come back good. I really want to be able to have children with him. We've only been TTC for a short time (since January), so maybe it just hasen't been our time yet.

and to you all!

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies im new to this website and thought id join been ttc for sometime now and if its worked this month my edd is 2nd feb 16 been having lots of symptoms this time round so keeping fingers crossed, is anyone else getting anxious waiting for their af date? I know I am lets just hope this month is the month for all of us, good luck all xxx

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9 years ago

Hi all. I haven't been really active on here in the last week or so. I'm 8dpo and really trying not to obsess like I did last month. I think it's working because the time isn't dragging nearly as bad as last month's TWW did. Sadly, I also totally don't feel pregnant. Last month I was convinced that I was as I was so sure I had all these symptoms. This past week there's been nothing. So I really don't think we caught the egg this month. I'm just not feeling like we did. We bd the day before I got my +opk and we bd the evening of ovulation day. I felt ovulation pain around 3pm and it wasn't until around 10pm that we bd. So for all I know my egg could have shrivelled up and died before it had a chance to be fertilized. Lots of little "life getting in the way" circumstances caused us to not really be able to get the timing right this month so I'm not holding my breath for a BFP. I'm also not going to test early either. I did last month and I kept making myself miserable when I got a bfn. In 5 days I will know for sure.
for everyone this month!!

9 years ago

Querdoodle -
The Same thing happened to me this month. Last month I was conviced I was pregnant, then AF arrived. This month I also told myself I wasn’t going to test early, but I couldn’t help myself. Just because you don’t have any symptoms yet at 8 dpo, doesn’t mean you aren’t pregnant!

MummyHillsdon- I wish you luck! There is not too much longer to wait now.

My update: I saw a coupe faint positives for the last two days on Wofundos. I decided to take a Clearbue Digital test today and it was a BFN. I am super bummed. AF is due tomorrow, so I am now expecting it’s arrival.

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9 years ago

Good morning Ladies! I just woke up 15 dpo and got a BFP!!!! We have been trying for 7 months. I didn't want to test early and be I waited and waited to test. But the line popped up right away and is dark. Praying that it sticks!
and to you all!!!!!

PS: My image is in the gallery.

9 years ago

Jenlhusson, thanks I have my fingers crossed for you, I read somewhere that the digi tests arent as sensitive and its possible to get a false negative with them so hang in there, im not testing till thursday now my due af, I took previous tests 3 were faint positive and 2 were negative so dont know what way to think so im just going to wait it out and try not to stress myself out

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9 years ago

Congrats madelinesmommy

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9 years ago

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