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February 2016 Babies

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I'm going ahead and starting this board since I know for sure I'm out January. ladies!

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

267 Replies • 9 years ago



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I'm not sure what the problem was, I tried to fix it but there must be a setting somewhere that's set to private.
Anyways, I retested this morning with FRER and it is !!
It's so early in the month and we have 2 BFP's, hopefully this February babies board will explode with BFP's this month!!!!

Good luck to everyone!!

9 years ago

Good morning ladies,

Querdoodle -

Namdaed - I hope AF stays away.

Sailors wife - Good job on not wanting to test yet. I usually feel torn about testing. If I don't test than I can still believe that I have a chance at being pregnant, If I do than I will agonize over the result. I hope you get your BFP soon.

TTC - Welcome back. I hope this cycle goes really well for you.

dsinha - I hope your procedures went well and that even if you missed the egg this month that you will be super healthy and fertile next month.

Jenlhusson - I'm sorry AF arrived.

kelley - I hope you O soon.

AFM - I finally got my high fertility on my OPK. I'm really hoping I'll get my peak fertility tomorrow so I can do the IUI on saturday. FX that I get a sticky BFP.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Querdoodle - Congrats on the

SailorsWife - I wouldn't read too much into symptoms, especially this early into it. I have my for you!

Margie - Good luck with your IUI!!

Kelly - I hope you O soon!

nharty - Are you still around? I haven't seen any recent posts from you, I need updates from my cycle buddy!

AFM - DH had his specialist appointment yesterday, the Prostatitis is all cleared up and all his pain and swelling is gone. He has the referral paperwork now to go to the clinic and and get his SA done. So that means no BD for the next two weeks so he can get it done ASAP. Good thing I O'd three days ago and we got in our BD for this cycle, I'm still hopeful for a this month, so we'll see.

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

Good luck this cycle Margie!

I'm pretty sure my cervix is open and I'm having more mild cramping and headaches, so I suspect I'll see AF later...which I pretty much expect because I just can't imagine having stark white HPTs the day before you expect AF.

9 years ago

Hello everyone, and congrats to the BFP's!!! So exciting to see them already!

bookgirl87 - I'm back! We got back from vacation on Sunday afternoon and it has been really busy catching everything up at work so I haven't had a chance to post! Glad to hear you O'd and DH is better!! you caught your eggy and you see a BFP soon!!

Margie_M - Good luck with your IUI! Really hoping this is your time!!

Querdoodle - YAY!!!

Namdaed - Welcome! Hoping stays away for you and you can see a beautiful BFP this month!

Sailors wife - Hang in there, girl! The TWW is brutal!

TTClate30's - Welcome back! I hate how everything ended for you! Lord, let this be a great month!!

dsinha1011 - Really hoping that one time was enough to catch the egg!! Best of luck to you!

Jenlhusson - So sorry to hear came! Hang in there!

madelinesmommy - Ahhh, !!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you! How are you feeling???

Lolo - I can't go back far enough to see your posts, but I think I saw you were hoping for the IUI on Monday? How did everything go? it was perfect timing for you!!!

Sorry if I missed others that I couldn't see your posts!

AFM - Back after a wonderful vacation! I still can't believe we went to the Bahamas! Just a girl from the Midwest, never thought I'd be out of this country, if even on a cruise LOL! It was very relaxing and we did get some quality BD in without taking any of my OPK's or anything with me, so I have no idea where I'm at this month and I'm okay with that. I'm at CD 20, so if it is another late month for me I will be O'ing any time now. We'll still keep up the BD and I am going to avoid all signs of ovulation tests so I can try to keep from stressing and just enjoy this month. Hopefully it was enough relaxation to O early and we already caught the egg! Here's hoping and praying!!!

9 years ago

Wow, I love when I wake up and there are all these updates on the forum!

Querdoodle- Yay!!!! here's wishing you tons of and an easy !!

Namdaed - I'm hoping for you! Keep us updated.

Margie - !

bookgirl87 - I hope you caught the egg and will be reporting a to us soon!

dsinha1011 - I'm right there with you, my boobs had me worried yesterday. I'm just going to try not to fixate on it, but I definitely made a note about the lessening in tenderness for future reference.

AFM - I'm 9dpo and still have no desire to test. I'm dealing with an eczema flair up that I started getting four months ago. I've been without my wedding ring for that long thinking I must be allergic to my ring, or that bacteria was growing under it or something. About a week ago I felt like I almost had it completely gone, but yesterday it came back in full awful force! This worries me so much because the only way to treat it is with high potency steroid based creams and lotions…. which are not good for use during pregnancy. But if you let it go untreated, it just keeps multiplying. So I put as little as I could on this morning and wrapped it in bandaids to make it last longer so I won't need to reapply. My doctor says it's probably caused by me getting my hands wet to often (she knows about my germaphobia, and my OCD issues with keeping the kitchen clean, so I am always washing my hands or dishes or wiping counters or something), and she is probably right, because when I started trying to wash dishes one handed, and wear a glove for regular tasks that might seem germie to me or make me want to wash my hands, the eczema did decrease quite a bit. Does anyone have experience with this type of eczema or have any suggestions for a treatment that won't affect the baby during pregnancy? It's called Dyshidrotic eczema.

9 years ago

Nharty09 - hopefully vacation did the trick! Good luck!

Sailors wife - hope your eczema clears up soon. My son had it pretty bad as an infant. His legs are finally starting to turn the same color.

I just did a FR 6 days sooner and it was negative. So at this point I'm trying to move to acceptance. I don't know what I thought I saw before, but I clearly was imagining things. Hopefully AF shows tonight or tomorrow.

9 years ago

Namdead: I m sorry about the BFN. Somehow I hope AF stays away.
Afm: 8dpo here and I m working hard to not think about it. This time around I have a 10 month old who is walking and getting into everything so I am busy. AF is due in a week for me and I will try to hold out until Tuesday or Wednesday. My hubby left for 10 days so I will be a single mom for that period of time. I hope I can do this :)

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9 years ago

Help!? I just wiped and had some stretchy cm... or is it sperm? I put it in water and it sunk.. what does that mean. I know there is a water test but dont remember how it goes.. tia

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9 years ago

Thanks NYChick! I'll of course let y'all know what happens. Good luck to you this week. I miss the baby stage. Neither of mine walked before one though.

Kelly, could be semen if you recently bd. I've had that like the day after.

But I've also had an increase in cm in early pregnancy too.

9 years ago

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