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February 2016 Babies

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I'm going ahead and starting this board since I know for sure I'm out January. ladies!

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

267 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hi BeautifulD Welcome! You have had a big struggle. I hope you are pregnant! Have you taken any pregnancy tests?

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9 years ago

Welcome BeautifulDisaster!

9 years ago

Thank you Appeli and Sailors Wife.

I've not taken any test yet, scared it will be another negative, so I haven't taken any in about a year!!
The last time my cycle was this long (40 days) was 8/9 months ago, and the longest cycle ever was 67 days long, 18 months ago. I really hope it's not going to be that long again. Trying not to think too much about it, as stress causes my cycles to be delayed etc.

9 years ago

Well then you are a very strong Gal. If my cycle was even longer than it is I probably go through at least 4 tests every cycle. Good for you! I am trying very hard not to take another, and my cycles are usually only 32-33 days long. I think two a cycle is about my norm, lol.

9 years ago

No Margie, no + opk for me yet. I am on CD 19. Last cycle I didn't o until cd 22. I use to ovulate sooner than that. Seems my cycles are getting longer and longer. I was just in tears earlier. Thinking I may never ovulate this cycle. Hubby just shrugs it off and says well there is next time.. blah blah blah. I about told him FU tired of hearing that. I don't know how much more of this I can take. Disappointment month after month. Ready to give up.. I

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9 years ago

dsinha1011 I use bbt and opk to track ovulation.. I know nothing about tracking with cm. (I just happened to notice cm like I've never seen before when I wiped) If I went on that I would never know.. LMAO.

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9 years ago

Hi ladies, welcome beautifuld.
Just checking up on all of you. Such a frustrating challenge for us to go through. Eventhough we are all unique in our stories I know I find comfort in sharing and reading your posts.
Still no af here. Went for blood test today and my doctor made a referral for me to go to the Hart fertility clinic if im not pregnant this cycle. Hubby says why go for bloodwork...we will know when we man, sometimes sensitive sometimes not.
Anyways have a lovely evening ladies

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9 years ago

risa - When will you know the results of your blood work?

9 years ago

Hi all! It was a bona fide AF and she's on her way out. No worries though.

Good luck to all those in the TWW still.

NYChick, sorry about the BFN.

I'll be back to check for updates.

9 years ago

Sailors Wife: Thank you. It is hard has no been on this journey for nearly 3yrs now. Not managing to lose weight to start fertility treatment gets me more upset than seeing my period arrive every month!! Kind if used to that now. The day I found out I may never have kids naturally etc, I went to a bbq few hours later for my brother in laws birthday, where he and my sister announced she was 8wks pregnant. That was hard to deal with. Another is a friend of a friend now pregnant with her 3rd child in the time I've been trying to get pregnant.

Good luck and baby dust for those in the tww

9 years ago

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