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February 2016 Babies

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I'm going ahead and starting this board since I know for sure I'm out January. ladies!

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

267 Replies • 9 years ago



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CD 21 and still no positive opk! I best give up . Its obviously not going to happen for me. Good luck to all of you.

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9 years ago

Kelley, I wouldn't put all my faith into these opk tests. I've read that it is not at all uncommon to miss the surge during testing but still ovulate. Don't give up hope.

9 years ago

kelly828 -
the OPK's NEVER work for me but I know I ovulate through a monitored cycle. I wouldn't put all my eggs in that basket. Just FYI..

Congrats Appeli!

9 years ago

Well blood test result is in. BFN. Ahhh. AF pretty please arrive tomorrow so I can start a new cycle.
Guess Im moving on to the March board.
sailorswife and others still in ttw. I'll probably still snoop to watch the bfps

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9 years ago

so sorry Risa.... so disappointing. Go have a glass of wine! Fingers crossed for a march baby!!

9 years ago

Ah shoot risa! I'm sorry! I'm going to stalk you to see if March is your month then!

9 years ago

Risa sorry to hear it's a bfn.

Congrats to those who have had a bfp and good luck and baby dust to those still in their tww....

As for me, I'm cd51 and noticed some spotting this morning, along with a few cramps. Looks like I am out too and was just a freak long cycle again.

So new plan is to try harder to lose weight (pcos sufferer and a medication I'm on causes increased appetite and weight gain) so that hopefully by the new year, I can start clomid :)
Will also try temping again to get in that habit, as well as using opks everyday. Curious to see if I ever manage to ovulate on my own as Dr's are pretty certain that I've never, despite my usually regular cycles.....

Is there a March board, and if so, anyone with a link please? Thanks, hard to search on my phone x

9 years ago

Well, I don't think the BFP is in the cards for me. This AM I awoke to bloody streaks on my tissue, and I'm beginning to cramp. So I think AF is about to show her unwanted self. I've been having all sorts of stomach issues, that continue even today with nausea at breakfast , so now I'm guessing I have a stomach bug, and they aren't pregnancy symptoms at all :(

to everyone still in the TWW! We need some more BFP's in here!

9 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Margie_M: YAY! So glad you got your IUI done and BD'ing done. Yea, DH & I got lucky being that we were both on vacation last week, we got in 2 BD's after the IUI. I pray it was enough.

Bens10: I hope this IUI works out in your favor. Sounds pretty promising with 4 mature follies. I wish I had at least 2 but looks like I had only 1.


I pray your scan shows up with good news!

nharty09: Awww I'm sorry your insurance doesn't cover your fertility treatments. And I hope you don't find yourself with complications either. I wonder if it would still cover a HSG...? Or procedures like that? FX'd you get lucky on your own very soon!!!

kelley828: I too wouldn't put all your faith into the OPK's. OPK's are only meant as a tool in fertility...but's it's not a definite. I have had many months of no +OPK. One of which I ended up getting lucky and getting a BFP...granted it ended with my 2nd m/c, but still, as long as you got some BD'ing in anyways you may still have a chance.

risa78: Awww, so sorry for the BFN. I hope next month is your month.

BeautifulDisaster: Awww, I'm sorry this month isn't looking good for you. I am on my computer and looked for the March board for you. The link is below...

Sailors wife: I'm sorry it looks like AF is showing up for you...such a bummer! & for next month!

AFM: I just don't know if the symptoms I am going through are due to the progesterone pills or if they are early pg symptoms. FX'd!

I have been extremely tired all the time. I find it so hard to get up out of bed in the morning. Yesterday, every time I ate something I would get half way through it and start to feel nauseous. I made myself a hot turkey sandwich for lunch and was grossed out by it half way through it. Last night DH took me to Texas Roadhouse for dinner...we had a gift card from my in-laws for our anniversary...And I had to ask for a take home box in the beginning of the meal because I couldn't stand looking at all that food...started to feel overwhelmed and nauseous from it. I pray these are good signs but I also looked at the side effects for the Progesterone pills and nausea is on there so who knows. I have also been very thirsty...can't seem to get enough water. Which in turn has made me have to pee a lot.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Well I had a bbt dip so hopefully it will rise tomorrow. FX! Still don't see a positive opk. About to take another. Test in a bit. We bd cd 14 cd 17 and cd 21. Maybe I'll get lucky.

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9 years ago

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