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Is anyone waiting to Ovulate in 12 days???

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Well.... I am on my 3rd day with my AF can't wait until she will leave in 72 but I am just blessed that I will try again early next month... Dec. 2nd - Dec. 7th!!! Who is with me???


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60 Replies • 11 years ago



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thanks Hun!!!! I sure will have all the fun I can get LOL !!! good luck to u too

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11 years ago • Post starter

I know this may sound really rude but I honestly have only got pregnant the times I have been on top of him ? Lol .... Well it's all food fun :)

11 years ago

Oh my!!! Really??? Well have you been on top lately?? IJS maybe you should ride it like you never rode it before... Get, Get, Get Gurl...

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11 years ago • Post starter

O dear I just read last my post , blush, I ment to say all GOOD fun not food fun double blush :))) lol . No I haven't been on top yet but when the witch has gone I will be riding him and having fun.. Wow what am I turning into , well it's good to have a giggle and its very good for bringing down the stress levels ...

11 years ago

LOL... its always great to have a good laugh at a time like this.. I'm happy that you had a good laugh too.. Everything will work out fine soon and after that Heffa AF is gone out the picture.. So Keep ya head up and keep chatting cause I like to chat...

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11 years ago • Post starter

Morning all" how r we all today and morning millemrs2008 how r u , yes I did have a laugh thank you and yes when I can I like to chat to :) as it lifts ones spirits and to chat to people with out judgement at a time like this , I think is lovely as everyone is in the same boat and sometimes that boat floats and other times it sinks and when it does its nice to have some emotional comfort from lovely ladies who understand , thank you all and hope u all have an enjoyable day ..

11 years ago

always showing much love and never passing judgment over this way cause as women we go thru a lot of things and its great to have strong women around cause if not u will be down all the time. and also I will also have to say ask the heavenly father to help u in this time of need as well. but I am always here and I hope u will do the same back!

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11 years ago • Post starter

:)) yes all good and yes lovely to chat.i got to thinking that my next AF is due 22 or 23 of December so IF us ladies concieve and can wait till the day our AF is due to the do the test ( yer right ) it would be a great gift , on the other hand it would be a terrible upset to if neg :( ...
This is my last month of TTC as husband and I said at the end of this year enough is enough and a promise is a promise to each other , plus he's arranging the snip for next year :( but hay we made this promise to each other I will honer this promise as we have been together 22 years now and maybe it is time to put the baby trying to bed so to speak and try something new. So have all my fingers and toes crossed for this last month of TTC and hoping I stay sain lol .. NO added pressure of course helping me not to god crazy lol ... So heaps of baby dust to u and all and may The Lord above hear our prayers and bless us all with babies ...

11 years ago

Me too :/ thats when that Heffa AF is due back between the 23rd or the 24th.. Ugh!!! so i will just keep it cool like I did with my first born and I will let whatever happen, happens. and I do understand why you guys would want a break and if you do need to take time to just chill.. do it, cause when you do that BAM!!! U will be sending pics with BFP's... Its crazy but true things happen on their own time and I will be praying for you and everyone that comes to chat with us.. But it would be so awesome to get those BFP's around Chirstman time.. but only time will tell and when the time comes closer I will be ready for whatever comes my way, Bad or Good. Happy HUMP Day

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11 years ago • Post starter

Thanks honey , yes would be the awesome gift but yes like u I will take what ever comes my way and be grateful that god has the plan for my life in his hands and whatever happens , happens :)
Yes happy H day to u to , just can't wait to see those pos ovulation tests ... WHY thou , o yes I remember so I can drive myself crazy again and testing way to much lol xxx have fun sweetie and will pray for u and all of us xxx

11 years ago

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