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1dpo, anyone else the same?

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Ok so today I am 1dpo and I'm entering the TWW for the third time, I am hoping for third time lucky but we will have to see.
I have. Been temp charting but have found my results to be all over the place as. My sleep pattern is all over the place.
I caught with my daughter on he third cycle so I'm hoping this could be it.
Used opk's this month and bd everyday over my fertile period so hopefully we will catch that egg!!!

Anyone else the same?

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31 Replies • 9 years ago



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Good morning,

I'm sorry to hear your little one isn't any better but hopefully the sleep will help.

We've been trying for #1 since summer 2013. When we started I figured that it would be really easy, we hadn't really thought much about it.

I moved from Canada to the Washington DC area during the summer and it wasn't until the cycle after we moved and my cycles were wonky that I thought it might be a little more difficult than we had originally thought. A friend of mine, who was also TTC suggested I try temping, which I started in Nov and have done intermittently since then. We've finally went to the doctor in September and they've done the basic tests but we'll hear what the have to say about them later this week.

I'm from the east coast of Canada but I'm living in the US for work. Where are you from?

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Wow so you have had a difficult time, well hopefully the doctors can give you some hope!! I was very lucky then with my daughter to concieve after 3 months. I have just found that this time round my periods never went straight back to normal after coming off birth control where as when i came off birth control to have my daughter everything went straight back normal which was why i started temping in october this year. This is only my 3rd cycle of trying though so.its still early days for me.
i live in england in the uk, and winter is just starting to hit here and its starting to get cold. My daughter has started a countdown to when we can put our christmas tree up lol xx

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9 years ago • Post starter

Good morning Angie,

Happy Remembrance day. Is it a holiday over there in the UK? How are you today? How is your little girl feeling? Any new symptoms or temperature spikes?

Yeah I'm used to much colder winters than we get here, and by Canadian standards I was used to pretty mild winters. It hasn't even gotten down to below freezing yet and it's almost mid Nov.

I'm really hoping the Doctors can help, although we didn't hear back from them about the tests sooner so I'm thinking they all came back normal and the Doc won't have any answers yet.

I've been off Birth control for 3 years now. I couldn't handle to mood swings when I missed a couple and I had a hard time remembering to take it, and I had a reaction to the adhesive on the patch. So we just found other methods of BC.

At least my cycles are relatively normal, they fluctuate a bit but they're usually between 27-33 days. Even if I am late now I just assume it's taking a little longer to show up. The downside is that when my cycle is running a bit longer and I keep getting BFN I always wonder if I actually am and it's just not built up enough in my system yet. Hasn't been positive yet but hope springs eternal.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Hi Hun happy rememberance day, it's sort of a holiday here, everyone does their two minute silence etc.
my daughter still isn't too well but she is starting to eat again which I am thankful for as it was starting to worry me, even tho the sickness has stopped it's now actually coming from the other end (sorry tmi) but she is quite happy and playing still.
I've been off the pill since august this year so not for very long but my periods still seem a little odd. They have always been every 28daysand I bleed for 5-6days but since coming off BC they are still evry28/29 days but I only bleed for two days??? Really strange.
I haven't notice any symptoms still have sore nipples and acne breakout really bad but nothing else I did feel a little nausea but I just guessed it was a little bit of what my daughter had.
I have a feeling this isn't my month though. When I was pregnant with my daughter i just knew, I even knew a couple of days after BD that we were pregnant. At the minute I'm just feeling nothing,, but I guess it's still way to early to be definitely out.

If you don't mind me asking, but what kind of test have you had to have? Is it just so they can find out why you aren't pregnant yet? Still keeping my fingers crossed for you

It's not that cold here yet surprisingly just wet and Windy most days which sucks. But we have a couple of things to look forward to, we have a special market that comes to England in November/December call the Frankfurt market which is full of German foods and Christmas decorations and although it gets extremely busy it makes it feel very Christmasy which is great!!!

Think I am going to try for the first time on Friday 10dpo just to see if anything shows up. Hope your well xx

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9 years ago • Post starter


I'm sorry that she's still not feeling 100% but if she's back to playing then at least shes on the mend. I really hope you don't catch it.

When I lived back home we had craft fairs in Nov that sound all sorts of stuff like that, though not strictly German and when I lived in Europe they had Christmas markets at the train stations which were always amazing. Since I've moved to the US I haven't found any local Christmas markets.

It's super warm here for it being the middle of Nov. It's about 20º C. I'm used to it being close to freezing at this point. If it keeps this up I won't realize it's the holidays until I'm on vacation

I've had mostly blood tests to see if there was anything hormonally wrong with me and an HSG test which was to make sure my tubes were open,which was extremely uncomfortable.

Don't count yourself out yet but I know what you mean. Last month about half way through the TWW I just felt like this wasn't it. luckily this month I haven't had a feeling either way. Hope you have a good evening!

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Hi Hun, lily-rose(my daughters name) seems a lot better today thank goodness so I'm going to take her and my dog poppy out for a long walk to get some fresh air today.

That does sound uncomfortable but I really do hope thattheyfind some answers for you to enable you go conceive naturally as I couldn't begin to imagine how frustrating it must be for you both. But I can bet it will be worth the wait when that day in ally comes and you get that BFP.

I don't know why we have a specific German market at Christmas if I honest it's been here a few years now and gets so so packed with people that when my daughter was in the pushchair it was quite frustrating to try and get round. But it's the start of Christmas to me, they have alsortsthere, German goods, beer, handmade Christmas decorations, clothes, ornament children's toys etc. it's fair expensive but beautiful.

This is theorist month I have being doing the temperature charting and that's how I knew when I ovulated and of course with positive OPKS but yesterday I had a slight dip in temp and this morning it has spiked. So I'm a little confused as to why this is happening lol.

Do you have much planned for this week? Hope your well. Have a great day


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9 years ago • Post starter

Good morning, (well probably afternoon for you)

I'm so happy to hear that lily-rose is feeling better. That's such a pretty name btw. My mom is pushing for rose as a middle name for my sister's baby. I hope you enjoy your walk. we didn't get our dog, Monty, out for his walk yesterday so he'll be bouncing off the walls, so there's no putting it off today.

I'm hoping we can conceive naturally. So far I don't think they've found anything that would require another method. Although who knows I'm sure things could get significantly more invasive if the doctors want to.

The Christmas market sounds fantastic and like a wonderful tradition.

I wouldn't worry too much about temperature dips, mine seems to dip a bit every few days and then spike back up until the end of the cycle. Or it could be a luteral phase dip, which I think indicates implantation, though I've never experienced it myself.

I got a new symptom today, I experience heartburn after my breakfast, which I had to struggle to eat. What about you? Anything new happening?

On another note what part of the UK are you from? I was there a year and a half ago. I absolutely loved it. We only got to spend two weeks wandering around to different place but we'd love to go back.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Hi Hun I'm from Birmingham in England. Where did you go to when you came to the uk? I would love to go to America, hopefully I will getto one day.

My dog is happily tired out now as she has slept most of the afternoon. My daughter is feeling lots better today and almost seems like her Norma. Self again.

The only symptoms I have is sore nipples still, acne break out, gas and increased appetite that's about it really. Il keep an eye on my temperatures over the next couple of days. Oooooh heartburn kinda sucks!!! But could also be a good sign? Do you know when you are going to test? I caved and did one this morning as I am a POAS addict lol but it was BFN which I knew anyways lol.

Even though I feel out this month the fact that my temp dipped and spiked gain around implantation time(if it were to happen) has kind of given me a little bit of hope.

I hope the doctore don't get too invasive with you as that can't be nice to go through. Lets ope ou get your little miracle this cycle :)


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9 years ago • Post starter

Good morning,

We stayed in London for 4 days with a day trip out to Bath, and then we went north to Scotland for a few days then we came back to London for a day and flew to Ireland. It was wonderful there, the weather even cooperated. It only rained while we were on the train.

The US is definitely an interesting place to visit. I hope you get the chance to come here.

My temp did a pretty big dip today, still well above the cover line but still pretty big. I'm not really sure what to make of it. it's still too early for my period to be on the way but if it keeps going down thats likely what it indicates... hopefully it will spike back up again soon. I haven't had any new symptoms today except being extremely tired, but thats probably more from having my routine disrupted than anything else.

I doubt we'll do anything more invasive for a few more months, probably just see how it goes until we've been trying for 18 months and if we still aren't then maybe they'll go more in depth. Either way I get to here what the doc has to say tomorrow.

How are you doing today?

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

I live about 2hrs drive away from London it's a great place just very busy. I have always wanted to go to New York that would be my all time favourite.

My temp dipped and then the next day spiked but it dipped again today. I also noticed the tiniest pink spec on tissue when I wiped earlier but no idea what that's about. I guess our period isn't exactly far away to find out now.

Today I had a little cramping but it felt more like period cramps so I'm not reading too much into it, I still feel out this month.

Know what you mean about routine being disrupted it should be back to normal for me tomorrow which starts with lily-rose being at nursery tomorrow so it gives me chance to sort through her toys to get ready for all the Christmas ones

Are you testing at 10dpo or you going wait a little longer xx

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9 years ago • Post starter

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