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February 2016 Babies

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I'm going ahead and starting this board since I know for sure I'm out January. ladies!

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

267 Replies • 9 years ago



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Kelley - If the line on the OPK is darker than the control line this morning then you are in the process of Oing. It means that there has been an LH surge. so get your BDing on.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Yeah it darker. test line looks purple and control looks pink lol

User Image

9 years ago

wow, than yeah I'd probably put today or tomorrow as your O date.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

well ladies I am officially out.

I got a blood test done and it came back negative.

How does an IUI, with climid, and 4 follicles NOT work?
I have been crying for the last hour.

But on to the next cycle I go...
I am just worried that my insurance won't cover another IUI.

Sorry to vent... I will move over to the march babies but checking in here to see some BFP coming in...

9 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Sorry I haven't been checking in. The weekends we have my stepkids can be crazy...this past weekend we were doing a favor for his ex, or should I say I was doing the favor, DH had to work. But she asked if we could watch them this weekend and I said sure. It definitely helped keep my mind off the TWW. But today and tomorrow is the tell all days. If AF doesn't show up then I go back on the progesterone pills and go in for blood test. I am not feeling very confident. I was feeling more confident yesterday when my temp jumped back up but today it dipped back down and I have been feeling, for the past couple days, very slight cramps. I know cramps can also be early pg symptoms but I am not holding my breath. I have a pad down just in case. And twice now, Once yesterday and this morning when I wipe it either looks like really dark pee or it's spotting/smudging.

I keep praying that this is early signs of pg and not the inevitable. I really don't want to go to yet another doctor. But I have a feeling with my luck I should be expecting the worse.


NitaE05 & AylaMo: Welcome and

Holly860: I hear ya on the struggles of women going on to the 2nd babies and here we are still trying for our first. My best friend is half way to her 2nd baby boy. It is so very hard seeing friends and family starting their families while here I am the oldest of them all and I can't even have one. Really sucks. I just pray .

Not sure if it was this past weekend or something coming up but I agree with the others regarding the stagette, to just test that morning...if nothing then have a good time. Or if still nothing and you are thinking it's still possible have a good time just don't over indulge.

Margie_M: hope this week goes by quickly for you!!!

bookgirl87: So sorry AF arrived for you.

Bens10: Aww sweetie, I am so sorry AF arrived. I have a feeling I won't be far behind you. I don't understand it either. Just doesn't seem fair. I pray your insurance will cover another IUI.

You asked if I have had any other symptoms...well, except for what I mentioned above nothing new. Been able to eat too. Granted some foods that I love have been tasting differently. So who knows.

TTClate30's: and this month!!!

BeautifulDisaster: So sorry for the BFN. Next March marks 3yrs ttc for us. I don't understand why this is such a struggle. I pray we see something soon.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

LOLO - I want nothing more for you than a BFP! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.

9 years ago

Lolo - I really hope that AF stays away and that you get your sticky egg. I'm glad the TWW has passed so quickly for you. I was wondering when I would hear news from you.

Bens - I'm so sorry AF showed. I have no idea why IUIs don't always work.

AylaMo - welcome and good luck

BeautifulDisaster - I'm sorry the test was Neg.

Holly - I feel the same way. I always hope I'll be an early BFP so far my earliest was 12DPO and then it was a super squinter.

TTC - Those are great numbers I really hope you get your sticky BFP this month.

AFM - 10 DPIUI I'm holding out until Friday or Saturday to test if AF stays away that long.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Hey girls! I've been following the Febuary board for a few weeks now but have never posted to the site. Congratulations to all of you beautiful ladies with bfps! I'd love your thoughts and input before I drive myself completely crazy. I got my bfp about a week ago and I'm currently 22dpo so my edd is February 8th. I've had a chemical pregnancy before and I just don't know how to trust that this one will stick. DH and I have been trying for our first kiddo for just over a year now. I've taken several hpts and they have been getting darker and I continue to have an elevated bbt but I don't go to the doctor for 2 more weeks and I feel like it's not real until they confirm it. How have you ladies dealt with this? Has anyone conceived after a cp and gone on to have a sticky bean? I'm absolutely an over-analyzer and my DH just can't understand the anxiousness. I think this might be worse than the TWW waiting for AF. Thank you ladies and good luck to those still trying or in the TWW!

9 years ago

If I get my bfp this cycle and I'm on cycle day 17 today and I had a transvaginal u/s to check my follicles and I do have 3 follicles (2 on left, 1 on right) Left 1: 26 mm, Left 2: 21.3mm, and Right 1: 24.9mm. Are these good sizes? I'm praying that I'll get my bfp I want my miracle baby so bad... I have had 3 m/c's in the past 2 1/2 years and I'm feeling really hopeful this cycle that maybe I'll get lucky. But if I do get pregnant I'll be due Feb. 29th, 2016! A leap year baby! Lol

9 years ago

cyndy - those are fantastic size follicles!

9 years ago

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