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1dpo, anyone else the same?

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Ok so today I am 1dpo and I'm entering the TWW for the third time, I am hoping for third time lucky but we will have to see.
I have. Been temp charting but have found my results to be all over the place as. My sleep pattern is all over the place.
I caught with my daughter on he third cycle so I'm hoping this could be it.
Used opk's this month and bd everyday over my fertile period so hopefully we will catch that egg!!!

Anyone else the same?

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31 Replies • 9 years ago



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Thats so cool, yeah it was pretty busy there but it was still so easy to travel around. I wish it were easier to travel here.

I pretty much have to rely on my car and right now thats costing me a lot. I just had a rock crack my windscreen so between that and new tires I need because I have to drive rediculously far to get to work it's going to be an expensive day.

I went to New York last winter, it's only about 3 hours from here so it's a good weekend trip. Broadway was amazing and we had a lot of fun looking at all of the christmas decorations. It was great for a weekend but I have to admit I liked London better. It's a nicer city in my opinion.

I'm glad your routine is also going back to normal. Maybe you had a bit of IB. It's a little early for AF to have shown up for you.

I'm going to try to hold out until 12 DPO which should be sunday I think... or maybe it's monday... either way I'll probably test on Sunday

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

London is a great place it's does have plenty to do. I always wanted to visit New York at Christmas time I think it would've been magical maybe one day!!!

Feeling a little down today not sure if that's because period isn't of far away I'm not too sure and I just feel overly exhausted. I'm tired all the time anyway lol but this is different. I should feel better after a nights sleep maybe.

I might try a test in the morning just to see if anything comes up if not il hold out then til Sunday. I just can't help myself sometimes though lol addict!!!!

Do you have much planned for your weekend xx

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9 years ago • Post starter

I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling down. I usually try to take a nap when I feel that way. I sometimes think of it as the human equivalent to turning the computer off and turning it back on. I'm trying hard to be optimistic this cycle. mostly because I lost it at the beginning of it. FX that this is your cycle even if you don't feel like it is.

New York at christmas was amazing. almost like the old movies but it was also extremely jammed pack full of people. Still I hope you get to see it one day.

Let me know how your test goes! I always feel disappointed when I take them so I'm putting it off for as long as I can stand.

As for this weekend. I have the Doctor appointment tomorrow, and then the rest will be trying to get my house clean as my in-laws are coming for a visit after our vacation in a week and there's no other time to clean. oh the exciting life I live

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Good morning hope your well

My routine should of been back to normal today but now lily-rose is complaining of ear ache so I have to take her to the doctors, just hope she starts to recover fully soon!! Especially as she has a gymnastics show in two weeks!!
I feel much better after a good nights sleep today, just been a hard week but I feel ok today.

How are you feeling today?? Wishing you lots of luck with the doctors today, I will be thinking of you.

I took a test with FMU and got BFN, my temps seems to be all over the place too so I have no idea what's happening lol but it's not long Gil I find out for sure.
I'm glad your feeling optimistic this month, your never out till period shows!!

Let me know how your appointment goes :)


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9 years ago • Post starter

Hi Angie

I'm sorry that your little firls still isn't feeling well that really sucks for both you and her. Does she have an ear infection? I'm glad you're at least feeling better today. I find that getting a good nights sleep does a world of good.

So my doctors appointment went fairly well from my stand point, or at least got some questions answered, though it created several more. My test came back normal but DH's SA test came back low normal borderline abnormal, for sperm count. So now he has to go back in for another round of testing to see if it was just a blip and he's fine or if there's something wrong with the amount he's actually producing.

the next step after that if it comes back low again (and possibly if it doesn't) is to do an IUI. If it comes back normal next time, we may be able to just start clomid and do a few cycles there.

I think DH feels frustrated because he asked if there was anything that he could cut out or something in his diet he could change to improve his sperm count and the doc told him no. I'm not completely sure if doctors use a whole lot of nutrition as cures but I think DH is going to look further into it to see if it's something that he can do to make himself healthier.

I feel so bad for my Hubby right now and I'm worried that he's going to blame himself for why we've had so much trouble. He really want to be a father. From the moment we started seeing each other he's always told me that it's something that he wants.

today I'm not feeling super great, the scent of the fish cooking in the hospital cafeteria made me want to get sick, though it's not really a sign because I hate the scent of fish anyway. I held out on testing today at least. I'm trying to hold out until sunday. hopefully by then I'll have a proper answer.

I'm not surprised that you got a BFN today, if you had IB yesterday then it'll take a couple of days for a BFP to show for you. I've still got my FX that this is our month. Even with the news I got today. Hope you have a wonderful night!

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Hi Hun

I'm glad you got some answers from the doctors, that must be super frustrating for your husband to have heard that. But how great that he is looking into it himself to see if he can do anything himself, that shows how much he wants to be a parent and its admirable. I really hope he isn't too hard on himself.

Lily-rose had the doctors and luckily doesn't have an ear infection and seems back to normal now which is great. Her cheeky little self is on top form lol!!!

Funny thing is sputter test I did yesterday is with FMU I got BFN, but with SMU I got what looks to be a super faint positive. Not getting my hopes up I left it until this morning with FMU and still getting BFN so now I'm starting to think that the faint positive could actually be an evap.

So I'm still thinking that I'm out this morning. But we will see wether AF shows up.

I'm not fond of the smell of fish, but up never know it could be a sign. I'm still hoping this is it for you too!!! Keeping everything crossed.

How are you feeling today? Especially after the appointment xx

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9 years ago • Post starter

Good morning Hun,

I'm so happy to hear that Lily-rose is feeling back to her old self and doesn't have an ear infection. Hopefully she'll stay fully recovered until after the holidays. it's crazy that there coming up so quickly.

I've read that as long as you've gotten the reading during the time that the test states than it should count; however, wait a few more days and it may actually show up.

I broke down and tested this morning, it was BFN, which isn't surprising. I used our cheap tests but when I looked up reviews most people didn't get a BFP from them until almost a week after their period. so I really wasn't expecting much from them, but I didn't want to waste my expensive ones on early testing. Though with the news from the doctor it's unlikely that this will be my month which is disappointing.

I was alright with the information yesterday but now I just feel disappointed and somewhat frustrated. It didn't help that last night I checked Facebook and one of the girls that I used to work with who had started trying for a baby at the same time we did just gave birth to her little boy. Throughout her pregnancy her FB posts have kinda made me want to lose it because they were always baby related. I mean I knew she was excited but it sucks to have it keep coming up to smack me in the face. there are babies everywhere on FB these days. I'm just happy my little sister isn't big on posting on there as she is due in January. I'm excited for her and for becoming an auntie but part of it kills me that it's not me.

Sorry for the rant, I'm just feeling a bit sensitive at the moment I guess.

I'm not out until AF shows so I will have to keep that in mind and either way DH and I have a plan, though I may ask him if we can move up the timeline a bit. so it will happen eventually. Luckily for us between the hospital we go to and the health insurance we have the IUIs aren't super expensive. I mean we'd still have to budget for them but it's well within our range of affordability.

I hope you have a great day.

Wishing both of us

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Hi Hun

The tests I used were the same brand so I'm starting to think it was an evap,but I'm going to try and hold off now until Monday if I can.i have a lot of the Internet cheapness answel I have my clear blue digital waiting for that moment.

Sorry to hear bout your BFN let's keep finger crossed that its just a little too early. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for you and don't worry about having a rant, I understand this must be hard for you and sometimes you just have to let it out.

I had the same thing on facebook yesterday a girl I went to school with had her baby boy yesterday and I can't help but feel extremely jealous. I'm so happy for her but also want it to be me. I got a little upset earlier and spoke to my fiancé about it as we had planned to get married September 2015 but decided to postpone it to have another baby. But I said I feel like it might take long this time to conceive than when we had our daughter as my ody is reacting different to. Oming off birth control this time. So we have agreed if we haven't got pregnant by April or may next year we are just going to go ahead and get married I think.

Just frustrating knowing ow easy we had it conceiving my daughter it's just so so so different this time, but we will get there eventually I'm just thankful and feel leased hat we have our daughter

We went along to the German market today a week earlier than planned, was so surprised at how busy it was but my daughter enjoyed her goodies she got, she even got to ride the merry go round which she loved. Even though its lovely its stressful trying to keep my daughter safe especially with how busy it gets but at least his year we have done it. Just two more weeks until we put our Christmas tree up, I usually do mine November 30th but lily-rose has a gymnastics show that day so we are dong it the 29th.
When do you put yours up?

Hope you ok, sending hugs xx

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9 years ago • Post starter

Hi HUn,

I know how you feel trying to plan your life around getting pregnant. for the longest time I was putting stuff off because I wouldn't be able to finish it or do it if I got pregnant but now I just feel like well I might as well plan for it and if I get pregnant then I can adjust. I hope you get the wedding you want.

We go back to our parent's places (they both live in the same city, though DH and I didn't meet until we had both moved away) for Christmas, so DH doesn't see the point in putting up all sorts of decorations that we won't be around to enjoy. I've successfully talked him into having a tree once in the entire 5 years we've been together. but back home We'd put up the tree nor more than 2 weeks before Christmas. Normally because we order the tree and can only pick it up at that time. Dad never lets the decorations go up before 1 December. that was his rule and he's the one who has to put out the outdoor decorations so I suppose he can dictate when he wants to do it.. Most of the time it doesn't even feel like Christmas for me until we go home.

I may hold off testing again until Monday as well. it was funny DH got mad at me for using the cheapies, he was like if you're going to test early use the tests that actually might pick up something. At this point I think it might be wishful thinking but either way I still have hope.

I hope you're having a wonderful day. The Christmas market sounds like a lot of fun.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Do you have real christmas trees? We have fake ones here. Mine goes up on the 30th november so when my daughter opens her first advent calendar on the 1st of december its all christmasy. Bit its only going up a day earlier this year as my daughter has her show.

Yeah i think we are just going to see how things go now to be honest rather than keep trying to plan stuff as it never seems to happen. Fingers for mondays test xx

you having a good weekend

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9 years ago • Post starter

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