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Is anyone waiting to Ovulate in 12 days???

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Well.... I am on my 3rd day with my AF can't wait until she will leave in 72 but I am just blessed that I will try again early next month... Dec. 2nd - Dec. 7th!!! Who is with me???


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60 Replies • 11 years ago



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Come to found out he got a ride home.... LOL but I wont dry out his meat I am going to treat it so kind and sweet until I don't need it anymore... its funny cause he says I'm jus using him for his baby juice lol and in a way I am...

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11 years ago • Post starter

Lol to right we r using them for baby juice lol :))
Well they have their uses :) bless them.. Well u go and tenderise the meat and enjoy ,
I am so excited this month feel more hopeful than I have in while and know because I have u and all these lovely ladies to talk to and laugh with on here, so many thanks to u and all ... Lets hope we all make Christmas babies , yay

11 years ago

U are so freakin rite Miss Lady!!! I haven't felt this good in awhile, while last nite with hubby was great, but you kno what i mean... lol I'm just happy and I am thankful that i found a lovely woman to talk and share my journey with cause at first I felt alone but I have you and another lovely woman name Hebrewmama she is awesome too just like you.. and these great ladies too This month has to be the month I claim it in the Most High's name... Cant wait until tomorrow but really the 4th.. also i just posted a pic of a OPK.. check it out and let me kno what you think... xoxo

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11 years ago • Post starter

Aww thanks , yes I have u and another lady but we message each other as she not got any Topics at the moment to follow and I am so exited for her as think she is pregnant but tests aren't getting to much darker so a little confusing for her but I am praying like mad that she is indeed pregnant .
. Yes I am so pleased I joined when I did as its given me a lift I didn't know that I needed so I am very grateful to u and all on here for that lift and the friendship .., thing is I feel a bit of storker at times not meaning to but because you share the other ladies hopes and emotional state , I am on the edge of my seat some days wanting to see how things have turned out for them, I can't help it but I do get so excited for them and I know how happy they are when they get their positive test and it has a knock on effect , right ?
But yes let's stay hopeful and happy and this will keep us calm and chilled and hopefully in a more receptive mood for our bodies to make babies :))
Aww good luck

11 years ago

Yes!!! I have a great feeling that u and the other ladies nd myself are going to get those bfp!!! I jus believe in my heart that this month is it... and that's coo that u got another buddy the more the better .. its funny that I have a lot of nopes on my pic I put up... LOL its all good... now its 50/50 ... but in due time its gonna workout fine

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11 years ago • Post starter

Morning mrs miller
Nice to hear u say that u have a good feeling this month, me to :) all crossed , well almost everything :)) .. I think the reason your test pics got a nope is cause it looks just alittle diff from the control Line and we can only say yes or no , not maybe but that's why I said its so nearly there but it looked like it had a indent in it which for me on screen made it look neg do to speek but I would and hope u did BD anyway :))) . Hope ur ok today and chat later, enjoy your day ..
Don't want to but have to go now :) good luck and to all xxxx

11 years ago

I am just excited this month :))) just pray I manage to get some BD in or all the excitement will be nothing :(
Wish me luck please :)
And how about anyone else , how's u all u ladies going, mrs miller how's it all been going for all :) and the meat tenderising :))) .
Hope all is going well for u and everyone xxx

11 years ago

Yes Mrs. little Swimmers!!! I am so excited that you are excited and we are both excited together.. lol Girl!!! last night had to be a topper... I mean I am sure he put all he had in him last nite... LOL I was so sleepy i went to sleep right after... and I am happy to know that you did sum bding... I know you were getting it like it was last... lol Anyways, I took another OPK this morning and it was positive I will post them up tomorrow when another cause i will be cd 14 and that is when the egg drops.. i guess thats what happens... lol but I am hoping that some more ladies will come and join us soon.. If not its just going to be just Little swimmers and I... LOL have a good day, chat to you soon!! xoxo

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11 years ago • Post starter

Hello there mrs millers,has one had a good day ??
I am happy that ur excited that Ian excited and I excited that ur excited to lol
U sound like u had a amazing night last night , Whoo :)
I haven't BD yet :( but hopefully will soon :) my poor darling hubby doesn't have the stamina like me anymore lol..he's says he saving it all for that one magical night ,err I don't think so , at least two nights or three , but we only did it once both times with our last .. 2 to 3 days before o with my last and on the smiley face day with second to last :) .
Can't wait to get my smiley face this time round but then I have been so excited all day and then tonight felt sad as the realisation of the 50/50 chance came into play in my brain no matter how excited I feel it still. Boils down to the odds ?? But I will dust off the neg and stay focused on the all good :) .
Yes it would be nice to have some more ladies join us but either way I am happy :). I am so pleased to have someone like u that is so nice and fun to chat with and the emotional support to , thank you I really appreciate it.
Well I wish u luck and tons of baby dust my dear and to all of TTC
Chat soon, o and do have FUN

11 years ago

Awww... ( Tears).. I am so happy that I have someone like you as well.... We are Cycle Buddies for life!!! lol I'm sorry that your hubby aint giving up the goods.. but I hope that his stamina will go up soon.. when is your BIG O again?? aint it soon... I will praying for you and him that you both will get some BDing going . I also appreciate you as well you are so friendly, caring, and you tell jokes right along with me so your a keeper in my book!!! So dont give up even if you see it as 50/50 cause anything can happen...

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11 years ago • Post starter

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