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Anyone else 4dpo. . . cycle buddy?

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Hello. . .
I'm about 4dpo - - not entirely sure since I didn't use an OPK and just went off of using temps and an app that predicts when I should (for now...I will use OPKs next month if AF shows)

I was just wondering if anyone would like to be a cycle buddy. . . or a listening ear to all of my symptom spotting and my POAS addiction in another week.

We can drive each other crazy? lol

130 Replies • 8 years ago



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Kentucky- dont lose hope! With my third pregnancy I didn't feel many symptoms at all and got BFNs on 8,9 and 10dpo. Finally got a faint bfp on 11dpo and symptoms picked up within a day or two of my bfp.

Rachel- is it red spotting? Hope it goes away for you and tomorrow's test says Pregnant! if it makes you feel better, i had red bleeding with my fourth and bad cramps but he's here and healthy

8 years ago

No, no red spotting... Just light pink and almost an orange/ light brown color? Nothing red though... I will test tomorrow and keep everyone updated!

8 years ago • Post starter

Rachel as long as it's not bright red stay positive .

AfM lol I have never wanted my boobs to hurt so bad before . Tic tic this TWW is slow to pass

8 years ago

Well... I couldn't help myself and I ended up buying more tests at Walmart this evening! Lol

I will probably end up taking one in a few hours after I hold my urine, and another in the morning... Because connected well, I'm a POAS addict!! Lol

I'm trying to stay positive... I said in previous posts that I feel I was pregnant last cycle and that I ended up having a MC... It medically wasn't confirmed, but I can't explain why I had spotting two days and then "AF" came earlier than expected and lasted much longer than usual.... Unless it was a chemical pregnancy? (But I have no idea what that really even means)

8 years ago • Post starter

Rachel- lol! A true poas addict i believe chemical pregnancies is when the egg implants but doesn't stick and you have your next cycle around the time it was due. They say that many women have chemicals without knowing (unless they test early). Fingers crossed

AfM- i feel a little nauseous tonight and once again cant stop burping. But I'm wondering if its because i ate too much today at my in-laws, haha. And i keep getting random stabbing pains in my breasts.

8 years ago

Good luck to you ladies too!!

I am a true addict...but I just can't help it! I hate the new FRER ones though, so I got the clear blue ones... Even though blue dye is sketchy sometimes too... Hopefully to save the expensive digital one----although I see they now have ones with Bluetooth technology that you sync with an app on your phone! Hahaha that's too much crazy for me right now lol

That would make sense for a chemical... Maybe that's what I experienced last month too... Just trying to stay hopeful for this month!

Keep me posted ladies!! I haven't really felt anything except some nausea early this morning (around 6am it woke me up) and my boobs will feel sore every once in awhile...

to all!!

8 years ago • Post starter

Rachel I believe I had a CP last cycle as well. I had very vague symptoms but was 6 days late . Finally tested . Which normally I am a POAS addict too. I got a very faint positive and then woke up in middle of night with terrible pain and heavy bleeding . For three days I bled through everything . It was a very painful cycle

8 years ago

Well... I ended up POAS, and I don't know why I did... Because I didn't really have that long of a urine hold to have anything show up...


We ended up DTD tonight, and now I have some more spotting... Light brown, nothing red at all... Maybe just what was left? But now I may be freaking myself out.

8 years ago • Post starter

I'm sorry Rachel. Hopefully it was the last of the spotting. How many did you buy from Wal-Mart?
8dpo today and i might poas tonight. It's a good thing these ICs are so cheap. Lol. I got 70opks and 30hpts for $6 and $6 shipping. For that price I'd get two FRER lol. I'm having the same symptoms as i did yesterday. Gassy, sore lower back, tingly and sensitive breasts/nipples. Except the pinching in my hips today feels like dull aches near my hips. But with AF due in 6-7days my PMS could easily start making me confused about whats a symptom or just usual pms

8 years ago

I'm 10DPO today. I caved and POAS yesterday and today, but nothing to even squint at :(

8 years ago

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