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Is anyone waiting to Ovulate in 12 days???

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Well.... I am on my 3rd day with my AF can't wait until she will leave in 72 but I am just blessed that I will try again early next month... Dec. 2nd - Dec. 7th!!! Who is with me???


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60 Replies • 11 years ago



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Also I just put up another pic... if you get a chance check it out.... xoxo

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11 years ago • Post starter

Aww thanks honey :) ur a keeper to ;)
Well I might be def O sooner than I thought my fertility scope is turning to fern pattern today so transnational now so my fertile stage is starting today ;) but no smiley face yet on pee stick but think there will be either tonight , tomorrow or Thursday :))) so yes getting very excited now , in more ways than one lol all the body signs are being to happen so just want to jump on him now but will prob be tomorrow night :( , it's just sad that my sister is here in the way as we haven't told anyone we r trying for another as people can be so neg and hurtful even when it's ment as a joke , so keeping it to ourselfs .. How about u ? U doing ok in all departments :). And the meat tenderising is that all ok and going good :))) aww hope so as mrs miller I so want u to get your BFP this month.. If I get one u will be the first to know as I will message u in your inbox :)
Omg we will be testing around the same time and everything , umm that will be fun , the testing bit I mean NOT as it really is stressful at the same time isn't it but u have me and I have u so all is good xxx best if luck sweetie I am sending u fab vibes to get prego and tuns of poss thoughts .. Go mrs miller go. Chat soon and off to look at your pic xxx thanks for being u xxx

11 years ago

My sister went out and took my little boy with her and my daughter fell a sleep sooooo :)))))

11 years ago

Thats a downer cause she is in the way of the bding and you dont want to be rude but hey its ur hubby and u wanted to have another baby, and no one has the rite to take that away from you both... and i understand how people can be rude and dont understand that you want to have a child but its not there business to anyways so they can kick rocks boo!!! for real. If they cant be happy and understanding for your family then you dont need them. family or not. I had to do the same and I only have one child and just because my money isnt like their's i know that the Most High will be there and make things right for my family and I. trust and believe that one hun. cause he can do all things and do things he shall ok. But I am fine in all departments I thank the Most High for that cause i know that a lot of women have a hard time but i know that if you just stop trying and stop thinking about thats when it hits you and you are pregnant.. Anyways I sure will hit you up first as soon as i found out that i have a bfp.. u will be the first!! I will be praying for you always!!!

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11 years ago • Post starter

Thank you u r today mrs miller, are u O today ? Hope so :)
My hubby I got some BD In yesterday but to day I am worried I not going to O at all ,even thou if I was bit O this month it would be better for me as sis goes home on Sunday so will make life a bit easier for us . When I did my fertility scope this morning what was looking sooo promising yesterday has gone today :( and still NO smiley face on pee stick :(..
Wait and see what happens tomorrow ????
I really hope my hubby and i get some alone time thou as I will out before I have even started the race otherwise but I will still have u thou , routing for u all the way to the goal LINES :)))
, o and we don't have a lot of money either , it's overrated , yes everyone would to love to feel comfortable but we don't want for anything if u know what I mean as lone as the children are provided for then I am more than happy to do without , keeping up with the joneses is not for me.. People put off having children to they are comfortable in life and can't blame them for that but sometimes they leave it to long and bless them can't start one after all with out help, best made plans and all that don't work for me , I believe what will be will be and sometimes this is bloody tough going but all lessons in life teach us something and help us to grow within ourself, still all this is easier said than done :))
Well mrs miller hopefully tomorrow u will be one dpo and hoping for the best gift one can hope for, I am praying for my dear and hoping with all my heart that this will be your month :))) .
Take care,
Liz xx

11 years ago

Good morning all , and how's u mrs miller ?
I happy to c u have joined the other side of DPO :) , so exciting now and I for one can't wait to see if your prayers and mine for you have been answered , I soooo hope so sweetie , countdown to testing ? Do u test early or are u very good and wait as long as sanity will let u hold off :))
I still haven't O yet :(( feeling a little worried that I won't this month :(
Or that I will O and just won't get any chance to BD , maybe just this month I will not try and not worry about it at all and leave the stress of it , as having sis around is making very hard to BD and just winding me up cause its not happening . But everything happens for a reason right ?? So I think I will just have to mentally settle for this ..
However can't wait to support you and here from u about this months journey for u , if this is ok with u , I am very excited for u :)) .
Hope ur ok and chat soon I hope xx

11 years ago

Hey Little swimmer!!! sorry that i havent been on here for a few days. but I am back now.. I am so sorry that you haven't O yet. how do your cycle run?? But I'm praying that you will soon and in due time just dont give up yet... and ur family need to pull back so you and your hubby can do some bding... I am so thankful that you are going to be with me on this journey i wouldnt have it no other way.. THANK YOU

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11 years ago • Post starter

Morning mrs miller so good to hear from u and I am glad ur ok..
Still haven't o yet but have all the pain as if I am going to but now that's its Friday I am just hoping I don't O now till Sunday as sister goes home then.
Next week will soon be here then u will be thinking about testing :) wow it's nerve racking lol but praying for your BFP :)))
Take care my dear and have a great weekend.
Chat soon x

11 years ago

Hey Little Swimmers!!! I am happy that your family is about to leave so you and you DH can have sum alone time and you and him can get back to some bding when you get your big O!!! But not until Sunday... I wont stop praying for you and your family and mines and even for all the rest of the ladies that are trying.. Cause I know i have asked the Most High and I know that he will answer my request . But I am so sore from all the bding making that i couldnt no more last night. lol i was so happy that our son wanted to sleep in the bed cause before he came back home from his auntie's, the hubby and I just bd that thursday morning.. lol But I cant wait to start testing i just really hope this is the MONTH !!!!

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11 years ago • Post starter

Aww my dear mrs miller that's not good that you are sore , noe does this mean that you are walking like you have been riding a horse :) , sorry so naughty of me but couldn't resist lol.
No no I am sorry that u hurt but very happy that u have reached your goal BD all the way , now U just sit back and get the oven cooking :) so please please please you get your BFP in the coming days, when do u think u will cave and test :)) ,with the tenderising going on I would be totally shocked if u didn't get prego this month :) , O I hope so xxx
Well u rest your sore bits :) bless ya heart and be kind to yourself and take it as easy as u can. I am praying for u x let me know , in box me when u start testing xxxxx .
Good luck to u and all on here xxx

11 years ago

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