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February 2016 Babies

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I'm going ahead and starting this board since I know for sure I'm out January. ladies!

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

267 Replies • 9 years ago



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I'm new here. TTC since August last year. But we had an ectopic pregnancy in September following a couple of bloody months. Now we are at our 7th try. Good luck ladies! Hope we all get February 2016 babies :)
/ appeli

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9 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Well this weekend hasn't been so bad but the last couple days I have been fighting another stomach/gut bug. Sharp cramps with the runs. It's one of those things that comes and goes. It really sucks. At the moment I am hoping it's the fertility meds and now that I am done taking them maybe I will start to feel better.

Sorry for the late replies, I haven't been in the mood to sign on over the weekend. Our laptop's keyboard at home sucks so we had to buy a separate keyboard and it's just a pain to use sometimes.

bookgirl87: Yay for the new cycle and hopefully your DH's problem is all cleared up and good things happen for you this month.

madzik: Thanks sweetie! I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it can be. In Nov I had an early mc and another in Jan. Granted, I can't imagine carrying half way and losing it. It's hard during anytime of the pregnancy to lose your child. My heart breaks for you. I pray we get our THB's very soon. This is our month!

Margie_M: I had a hard time this Mother's Day too. I went over to my parents house on Saturday and saw my brothers with their kids. Celebrated Mother's Day and my Nephew's 4th bday that day. But I was very ready to go home after dinner and the cake. Since we celebrated on bad but I forgot to call anyone on Sunday. But when I called my mom yesterday she said no worries since we celebrated on Sat, she didn't think much of it I still felt bad though.

Oh I hope your AF shows up soon so you can get started in trying again too.
The meds this month are giving me cramps as well as the runs...starting to think it really is the meds. that it's a good sign.

Querdoodle: I wish I could give you some advice on the OPK's but I use the Clearblue Digital ones and those you use with FMU. Which Clearblue opk's did you get? I tried the cheapy ones once and I just couldn't read it.

madelinesmommy: Not much is new. Glad that my cyst is gone and we can TTC this month. I just finished the Letrozole (Femara) today. The doc has me coming in next Monday to see where my follies are at. If they look good then I get the HCG shot that day and the IUI next Tuesday. I pray I get more than 1 good mature egg.

What CD are you on? I think DH and I are going to start BD'ing on Friday morning.

Bens10: Awww I am so sorry that AF showed up for you! It is so hard when you think you are having symptoms and it's not. Every month I cry when AF shows would think it would get easier...but it doesn't. I hope we get lucky this month and we get our Valentine Babies.

dsinha1011: It really does depend on how you are feeling. My doc said to wait at least 4 days...mostly for the incision to heal better. I had it done on a Tuesday...I remember because it was the day after Memorial Day last year (wow it's been a year already!) and the day before my Anniversary. We had sex that weekend after...I can't remember if it was Friday or Sunday...probably that Sunday. It didn't hurt at all...was probably still bloated or the meds helped keep it painless. But after that I was just uncomfortable...from all the meds I ended up extremely constipated a week after the surgery. So I decided to just take the month off from it all. If I hadn't been constipated and thought to take something in time to prevent it then we would've continued trying that month. So honestly I would wait about 4 days after the surgery but then after that it all depends on how you feel.

Bookish-Mama: Aww, sorry showed up for you too this month. this is your month as well.

Nychick84: Welcome and

nharty09: Oh Bummer! So sorry arrived for you! Enjoy your vacation and hopefully this will be our month. I am taking a vacation with's more of a stay-cation but still. It's during my TWW...Hopefully that will help the time fly by.

appeli: Welcome and

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

My temp dropped this morning looks like AF will be here anytime now :(.
For those who don't know me; we are trying for our 2nd baby. First one was easy bought some opks got pregnant first try. Our plan was to have another in 2 years. Well my little one will be 5 next month. Way behind. Not from lack of trying. We started stepping up in Aug-Sept. doing opks and bbt charting. Last 2 months we added preseed. I guess we are still failing. I am about ready to give up. Throw in the towel. Guess its not meant to be for my little one to have a sibling.

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9 years ago

Welcome to the newbies!

Lolo I am 3 dpo.....and so the 2ww begins. I finally got a positive opk around noon on Saturday. We bd that morning (we were going out of town for the day), and I wanted to make sure I got one in before leaving, as I was sure DH would be tired when we got home. It was still positive the same time on Sunday, so we bd that night. I think we have a 50/50 shot this time. I wouldn't be surprised either way. This is my 2nd month on femara, so if it doesn't work this time, we need to decide if we should go to an RE to try something else.

Kelley828 I read your post today and about cried. Don't give up hope. Your baby will come and then you'll be able to encourage someone else who is having difficulty ttc. Prayers for you!
Lolo let us know how it goes this month! Hopefully you are feeling good and will be able to bd lots!
Bookgirl how is your DH? Can you try this month?
Madzik I am sorry for your loss. Hoping that you get your bfp and sticky bean this month!
Querdoodle what's new with you? What cd are you on?
Nharty09 enjoy your vacation! We are going on vacation too in a few weeks and I can't wait!
I know there are others of you, but my 2 year old is waking up for her I'm out for now! to everyone

9 years ago

I am on CD14. I've been using OPK since Friday (CD9) and still no positive yet. For the first couple of days, the faint lines were getting slightly darker each time but the last couple of days seem to be lighter. I was expecting that today would be surge day. I will test when I get home this afternoon and again later this evening and see if there's a surge yet. But I assumed that the lines should get progressively darker until a positive but I am feeling nervous that they have gotten lighter again. I have been testing twice daily (FMU & early evening) but starting yesterday, I am testing 3 times daily. So I am desperately hoping for a positive OPK today or tomorrow.

9 years ago

CD1.... AF can go suck it ....pretty sure I have PMS. Off to find chocolate.

<a href=

9 years ago

Hi Ladies!

kelley828: Aww I'm sorry your temp dropped. Hopefully she still doesn't show and it's a fluke for the drop. But if she does show hopefully you will get lucky this month and get a Valentine Baby.

madelinesmommy: Sounds like you covered your basis pretty well! I pray I am that lucky this month too. Would have been a lot easier if my timing was at the end of the month but when is this ever easy? LOL!

Querdoodle: Smart girl for starting to test early! I did that until I get a positive. The first few months I used OPK's I used them from basically a couple days after my AF until close to the end of my cycle before I found out that you can only O was just starting out my TTC journey and didn't know better then. But now after going through this for a couple years you find out more about your body and how it works. Not sure if you know this but... Some women don't O until later in their cycle and they always thought it was around CD14. So don't get too discouraged if you don't see a positive yet. Hopefully you will in the next couple days. Do you know how long your cycles typically last? Like how many days between AF's? My doc says you take the number of days between cycles and minus 14 days and that's when you typically O. So if your cycles are typically 30 days long then you would O around CD 16. If your cycles are longer like lets say 34 days then you would O around CD 20. Mine are typically 28 days long so I tend to O sometime between CD 13-16. (Sometimes I have a short luteal phase...which can be annoying) Hope that helps you out.

Mistique: Aww I am so sorry showed up for you. Hopefully we all get Valentine babies this month. Enjoy your chocolate!

AFM: DH and I are supposed to start BD'ing tomorrow morning. He will be getting off a 12 hr shift so part of me is hoping he will be up for it when he gets home. We have my stepkids this weekend so we can't do it in the evening and we can't do it Saturday night either because they are staying the night that night too. So if we don't do tomorrow morning then we have to wait til Sunday and I want to get in as much BD'ing as I can this cycle since this is our 3rd IUI...after this it's most likely IVF...thank god for insurance! If we start tomorrow I will feel better feeling that this way we can keep up with the EOD BD. FX'd!!! I told DH that this time we are going to do it for a couple times after the IUI as well. So to get Last time we followed the doc's orders and only did it one time after but something inside me said to try it at least once more after that and then we didn't. Can't help but feel that is why it didn't work for us last time. Please God let this work for us this time!

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Mistique that made me giggle! Go get some chocolate, girl. Sorry showed!!!

Queerdoodle - Mine did that last month and I ended up having a late O date. Don't quit yet!! I hope it's soon for you!

madelinesmommy - Glad to hear you O'd! Where are you going on vacation? I hope the TWW is quick for you!

kelley828 - I know it is so hard, but don't give up! You will reap in due season if you faint not!

Lolo1176 - I bet that medicine is what is causing your issues! I hope you get through it soon and that it is completely worth it!

appeli - So sorry to hear about your loss! this is your month!!

bookgirl87 - How is DH feeling? I hope you can get back to normal this month and get that lil Valentine's miracle!

AFM - Well, 2 days until we cruise and I am more than ready! I am dealing with allergies something fierce and praying it doesn't turn into a sinus infection. I called the doc and got some antibiotics just in case. I was down earlier this week, but I'm trying to stay positive. My best friend just told me Tuesday that they are expecting baby number 3! I am over the moon happy for them, but they weren't even really "trying" and it happened I was so messed up over how happy and upset I was at the same time. I had a feeling it would happen, but I just wasn't ready for it yet. It makes me a little more unsure of what is going on because we are just about the same height, weight, etc, and she has no issues yet I do. Help me, Jesus! Okay, so that is all for now! I hope I come back to some of you in your TWW or already getting !!!

9 years ago

Hey ladies,

nharty - Sometimes it doesn't make sense. My sister was barely trying to have kids and they got pregnant within 3 months. My BFF got pregnant twice while using birth control. I've been trying for almost 2 years and nothing and I'm just as healthy as they are. It's frustrating but it will be so worth it when it's our turn.

Lolo - I hope you and DH get to BD tonight. FX that this is it for you. My Doctor told us after our first IUI that we should BD that night and again the next morning/day. I really hope your unpleasant symptoms have gone away.

Mistique - I also had a major craving for chocolate last night... I've had it all week. I hope you got some good stuff.

Querdoodle - like the others have said, you're O day may be later depending on your cycle. I O anywhere between CD 13 and 20 but I usually start my OPKs around CD10 with FMU.

madelinesmommy - it sounds like you covered your bases really well. FX you get your BFP this cycle. good luck in the TWW.

kelley - I really hope that this is your month. I understand how frustrating it is month after month.

appeli - Welcome. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope this month brings you some good news.

bookgirl - I hope your DH's SA comes back looking good and that you get your BFP this month.

AFM - Still waiting on AF. go figure the one time that I want her to come she takes her sweet time. Although I must say I did enjoy drinking wine and cocktails outside this month. FX she'll make her appearance within the next few days. I'm just hoping that I'll be able to do my IUI this month because next month work gets crazy for a few weeks.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Lolo - my cycles typically run 28 days on average but once I went off birth control in February they've been a little weird. first month off bc I had a 26 day cycle (with spotting most of the way through the cycle) then my last cycle was 30 days long. So it's very possible that I am still a few days away from ovulation if this is going to be a longer cycle again. I guess I'll have to wait and see.
I've been getting some mixed signals from my CF too. yesterday for a very short period of time, I had what could be considered "fertile CF" (watery) but that didn't last long and it seems to have dried up. so this is really frustrating. I'm also feeling thirsty often because I am used to drinking TONS of water and tea during the day and since I started testing opk for the past week, I have drastically cut back my liquid consumption so as not to dilute my urine too much.

Mistique - I'm sorry AF showed up for you. hopefully this'll be your lucky month!!

Kelley - did AF show up for you? What CD are you on?

nharty - I think your feeling are totally normal for the situation. I have a few friends who battled infertility for a long while before finally conceiving and I've heard the same thing from them-it can be really hard hearing that others around you are getting pregnant when you have been struggling. you will get a valentines baby!!
Have you cruised before? Where are you sailing to? We've cruised a few times and love it so much!! I'm sure you'll have a blast!!!

9 years ago

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