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Anyone else 4dpo. . . cycle buddy?

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Hello. . .
I'm about 4dpo - - not entirely sure since I didn't use an OPK and just went off of using temps and an app that predicts when I should (for now...I will use OPKs next month if AF shows)

I was just wondering if anyone would like to be a cycle buddy. . . or a listening ear to all of my symptom spotting and my POAS addiction in another week.

We can drive each other crazy? lol

130 Replies • 8 years ago



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Oh no! Sorry you couldn't test. But yay for no AF!

I tested with 3hr urine, brought the test out of the bathroom with me to set it on a napkin in the kitchen as i got my oldest ready for school. My daughter got ahold of it and picked it apart so had to throw it away. Might test if i can manage to hold my pee long enough.
Not feeling many symptoms this morning. My youngest two woke up at 5am so i feel grouchy. Breasts still feel fuller and sensitive but that's about it.

8 years ago

Oh don't fear... I went and bought another box of tests!! hahaha I got the old FRER (without the curve) I paid probably more for them than I should have since I went to the drugstore down the road from me...but I liked the flat ones so much better than the curved ones. I think I have more CM than usual...which normally before AF comes it basically dries us. I keep running to the restroom to check myself just incase AF does show up....which is making it even harder to hold my urine! I'm at about an hour hold now. . . I'm hoping to make it to at least 3 hours before I totally crack and end up taking a test.

Gotta love kiddos! My fight this morning was over some toast. I didn't put enough butter on it, and you'd swear she got the worst news of her life! lol Hopefully you'll be able to get a good BFP the next time that you test!!

Kent.--- just because you don't have any symptoms doesn't mean you're out!! I didn't have any morning sickness or anything when I was pregnant with my daughter! You never know. How many DPO are you again??

8 years ago • Post starter

I prefer the flat ones too. The curved ones give a glare IMO. I hope you can manage to hold that urine long enough i decided to POAS and it was a bfn. Pretty sure my body hates me and is playing tricks on me

Lol oh my. The toast has to be perfect!

8 years ago

I couldn't hold it anymore and did at 3 hour hold... Looks like I got a BFN too.

8 years ago • Post starter

I'm 10 DPO . If AF arrives I am drinking an entire bottle of wine lol . I have one kid (my oldest, she's a girl) and she freaks out when everything Isn't perfect and aligned with the stars . When she was 2 it would take forever to put socks on . She couldn't get the line across her toes to feel right

Rachel I remember getting negatives with my first two even day AF was due

8 years ago

If AF arrives, I will probably drink an entire bottle of wine myself as well, AND a tub of ice cream!! lol My step daughter has a talent show tonight at her school, so thankfully that will keep me focused most of this evening...

I feel like my body is also playing very twisted jokes on me. I'm having some weird pulling/pinching feelings but nothing like my typical AF cramps. Usually those are here for the rest of the days that she visits, but these ones come and go and aren't anything near what the usual are. My periods can make me stay home from work because I'm in so much pain or I'm bleeding so much that I have to... so my usual PMS cramps typically are pretty bad.

I've noticed my smells picking up though too... There was a lady that walked past us at Walmart last evening and it smelled like she used the entire bottle of perfume on herself, I asked my SO if he smelled anything, and he said that he didn't---but then told me he was stuffy. Lol I don't think he wants me to get my hopes up...because he knows that my first pregnancy smells was my first indicator of pregnancy.

Trying to keep positive, it's not over until AF shows... but it's hard. Hoping someone pulls through this month! I wouldn't wish this waiting game on anyone!!

8 years ago • Post starter

I'm pulling for you !!!

8 years ago

Well ladies. . .

I appreciate all of your well wishes, your lending ears and for putting up with me and my rambling on during the horrible TWW...

Unfortunately, the bitch just showed up.

Onto CD1 again... here's to another month of crazy!

Hopefully one of you guys have a better month!! I still want to be updated. I enjoyed having others to help calm my crazy, or to help encourage me.

8 years ago • Post starter

I'm sorry the witch came

8 years ago

Well... I've decided to 'step up my game' this month and I've already ordered the wondfo 50 OPK tests and 20 HPT tests kit... I should have it next Tuesday. lol Talk about a POAS addiction!!

I'm going to also try really hard to track my BBT too. I want to make sure that I actually am ovulation, and make sure that I'm doing everything as I should be--- and by cycle 6 of TTC, if I haven't... Then go to my doctor and see what else I could do to help.

I've read about using the preseed lubrication? Ever heard/used that before? I might look into that too.

At this point, If I was told to eat nothing but lettuce and water to get pregnant---I would try it. I might look up some other goofy myths and wise tales to see what else I can find.

It's time to get seriously serious.

8 years ago • Post starter

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