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February 2016 Babies

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I'm going ahead and starting this board since I know for sure I'm out January. ladies!

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

267 Replies • 9 years ago



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Thank you Lolo1176.
I threw myself at my husband last night and we BD even though we had family staying at the house. Tonight we re going to MA and staying at a hotel with our DD and possibly sharing a room with family so that's out. Hopefully we caught the egg. I m planning on BDing on tomorrow night as well.
I don't wake up at the same time so temping would probably not work for me. I think OPK are easy to use so I will go with that.
Jenlhusson: keeping my fingers crossed for you. It's not over until AF shows.
Does anyone have fun plans for Memorial Day weekend?

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9 years ago

So Usually I ovulate around cycle day 18 of my 33 day cycle, but this month I ovulated a week earlier. Day 14 which was yesterday. I was watching my CM and saw it go egg white like two days ago and made my husband BD with me that night and again last night, I'll probably make him go again tonight… good thing he isn't complaining about it ;) I hate when my cycle screws with me. But hopefully I figured it out in time and we get the little guys to the egg on time! We'll see. Blessings to you all this month ladies! Go get your on!

9 years ago

Hi Ladies,

So I had my doctors appt to see if I am ripe yet... nope. I am only at a 12.5. The doc says my eggs are being stubborn this month. I am sure it is due to the BCP's I was on last month to get rid of that cyst. But still so annoyed because it is interfering with my plans next week. So we had to switch things around. So the doc is coming in on Monday even though it's Memorial Day to see where I am at. I pray that Monday shows I am ripe. Because I don't think we can keep switching things around. Just glad that next week I am on vacation so I am pretty open.

Jenlhusson: I hope it's not AF cramps. The thing about the wait that is so annoying is sadly early pg symptoms mimic AF symptoms. That is why they say to wait til you miss a period. But I know how hard that is.

Nychick84: LOL! I'm impressed that you could still DTD with family in the house. I don't think I could do that. I tend to be a bit on the noisy side.

I had a very hard time getting up at the same time to take my temp...still do sometimes. But in the beginning I wanted to know my body and know when/if I O'd. So I set my alarm to a certain time. Took my temp, recorded it on my phone and then I typically go back to sleep. Drive DH crazy on some days...especially on his days off. So I tell him to hurry up and get me pregnant then and then we don't have to do all this

Sailors wife: I hate when cycles change. This month I seem to be the opposite of you. I am O'ing later than I usually do. It's driving me crazy. Hope you caught that egg!

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Now Im in my tww and trying not to think about it. Trying to stay positive but it is hard when I only have experienced a positive test result once and it turned out it was located somewhere outside the uterus. My twin sister got pregnant on her first try.

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9 years ago

Appeli: same here. 2DPO today. And the waiting begins. My sister in law had her 4th baby boy yesterday. He is precious. That helped distract me from all the funerals and the waiting. Now I need another distraction lol.
How is everyone else doing?

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9 years ago

Lolo - I am in the exact same boat. I have been monitored with blood work and US every morning this week. My eggs are being stubborn and not developing quickly.

I got approval for 1 IUI - and I just don't know if I should use it this cycle when I will only have like 1 good egg follicle... When I got pg with my daughter, I had 3 really good follicles (one was a 25). So I don't know what to do...

anyone have advice for me?

Right now I have one follicle that is an 18 and 13 (on left ovary). On the right ovary I have a 15 and three 13s.

9 years ago

I found the pregnancy tests my husband "hid" so of course I had to take them. I am an addict. Anyway, yesterday was nothing . Today I saw the faintest line ever on both morning and early afternoon tests. The early afternoon was a bit darker. Could it be in my head? Yes. Maybe evap? Yes. I tried to take a pic of the second test but it was really hard to get the faint line in the picture. Maybe I am crazy- but think positive thoughts for me! Oh and also, this has happened to be before where I see line, everyone else sees a line, and AF still comes... So trying not to put too much into it.

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9 years ago

I am so excited to start seeing some BFP's from you ladies! I see, by your tickers, that a lot of you are already 10-12dpo! Woo whooo! I love seeing other women get their positives because it gives me hope that it won't take long to get pregnant. I think no matter how hard we try, our cycles are going to screw with us, they aren't going to be perfect. But this means we need to just enjoy more moments with our husbands to catch that egg! I find the one thing I have an issue with, is trying to keep having sex fun, and not a chore. When my husband asked me last night at bedtime "Do we have to do it tonight?" , I thought oh goodness that's not good, lol! When he first told me he wanted to have another baby (3 years after I had given up on him ever wanting more), I said that I would try to but I didn't want it to ruin our sex life, and that I didn't want to become obsessed with getting pregnant and lose myself. I think the sex life is still okay, but I think I lost the battle on the obsessed and lost part. All I can do is eat, sleep, & think about getting pregnant, am I pregnant, if I'm pregnant am I getting the right nutrients? Lol, oh well… the TWW continues :)

9 years ago

I have been having cramping and twinges in the lower abdomen all afternoon and it's still going on. It feels like something is going on in there and it's almost painful at times. I am only 3dpo and it can't be implantation. Maybe I am Oing late? I usually don't feel anything when I ovulate so that would be a first.
Not sure what to think about it.
Sailors wife: I was hoping to see some BFPs already. The first time around I started testing at 9dpo. I couldn't wait until the missed period date.
to all the ladies testing soon :)

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9 years ago

Using Wofundo Dip stips, I got a very faint positive yesterday, and a very faint positive today. you can clearly see the lines, they are definitely there, but super faint. Today's doesn't seem any darker than yesterdays, so I am already very worried. I took both first thing in the morning. With my history of M/C and Chemical pregnancy, I am very skeptical. My period is due Tuesday. Today is 13 dpo. Shouldn't my lines be darker if I was pregnant??

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9 years ago

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