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My uterus is "gurgling" ?

It feels like when your stomach is hungry and it grumbles except this is in my uterus and I can feel it when with my hand too, like bubbles are floating around in's so funny! I can hear it! Any thoughts?

Gurgling/bubbles in uterus an early pregnancy sign? (5 votes)
Yes (11 votes)
No (3 votes)
Don't know (14 votes)

10 Answers • 11 years ago



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1 - 10 of 10 Answers

I posted about the same thing a few hours ago, bubbling in my uterus. See my post for what I found out so far.

11 years ago

11 years ago

I had the same thing happen this morning right as I was waking up! I'm currently 8 dpo I felt like I was going nuts because I told my husband I thought my uterus was "growling" like when someone's stomach is hungry. I'm very interested to see if anyone else has had this experience and actually ended up being pregnant that same month.

Can't wait for my

11 years ago

You know I had this same sensation only a couple hours ago and thought really nothing of it until I read this post. Definitely not any pain associated with it and didn't feel like gas. Exactly like you said - gurgling like your tummy would if it was hungry but in the area of the uterus. Wouldn't that be something if it was an indicator of pregnancy. I'm currently 8DPO and on my third month of trying. I'll try to remember to come back and post and let you know whether it was preggo or bust! lol!

11 years ago

I should also add I am having other 'pregnancy symptoms'. Heightened smell, sore boobs on the sides, bit of gas but nothing sever, 20-30 minutes of sharp pains in my lower abdomen yesterday (7DPO), sore throat but no illness, had been fatigued up until a couple days ago, a bit anxious/on edge, and today I haven't been very nice to my husband lol. He didn't really do anything wrong but I"m annoyed with either it's AF coming on or I'm pregnant. Very poor design flaw to make symptoms of these two things so very much alike!

11 years ago

I JUST had it again - less than a minute ago - and it is definitely NOT gas. How exciting! I hope we're all pregnant! lol!

11 years ago

Thanks for the input! I thought maybe I was the only one :( I've looked online for an answer and so many women say it's just gas, and I suppose it could be, but I have NEVER felt gas in my uterus, LOL! I'm 26 years old and I have been pregnant 4 times, three babies and one miscarriage, andI have never experienced such a thing! It was so loud and rumbly coming from my uterus I could also feel it when I put my hand down there. It made me laugh :) I am very gasy thoug (the regular kind). Very interesting symptom if we turn out to be pregnant :) And please come back and let me know if you get a BFP!!!

11 years ago • Post starter

Turns out mine was nothing. I miscalculated my O this month and AF showed up this morning :( booo

11 years ago


I don't know if it's actually a sign of pregnancy, because I got it right before I started my period too, but I just found out I'm about five weeks pregnant and I'm getting the gurgly feelings. Though they are much less frequent than they would be the day or two before my period.

11 years ago

Mine is constant and it's even after I eat. Very funny but I don't think it is gas. Weird. I also thought I had a uti and I only have them when I have been pregnant. So odds are that I could be but gonna wait untill I miss my period before I test again. I tested a couple times already but neg and I am only 9dpo

10 years ago

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