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A friendly and supportive place to meet and share with women from all over the world. Ask questions, share in discussions, journal your thoughts and post helpful information.

Posts 1 - 10



Missed period

My period is a week late. My BBT is still very high, but my pregnancy tests were negative. Has anyone else exp ...

0 Answers      

Latest 28 days ago



BBT chart help

Hello ladies. We are TTC #2. I didn't chart last time, but have been for over 6 months now. I've never had an ...

0 Answers      

Latest 5 years ago





best ovulation tests

Hello fellow TTCers. I was wondering what ovulation tests work the best for those of you who've conceived? We ...

0 Answers      

Latest 5 years ago



Confused about ovulation test

I've been doing digital ovulation tests since Cycle Day 5, and started using cheapy dip tests as well on Cycle ...

2 Answers      

Latest 6 years ago



Could I be pregnant?

We had our first baby in July, she's 5 months old. I didn't want to go back on BC pills, but we've been using ...

1 Answer      

Latest 7 years ago


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