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Posts by Krstnas24

A friendly and supportive place to meet and share with women from all over the world. Ask questions, share in discussions, journal your thoughts and post helpful information.

Posts 1 - 10



Early Signs Or Mirena Crash

I had my Mirena removed 5/5/11, my hubby an I are trying to conceive. I got removal bleeding for 6 days starti ...

6 Answers      

Latest 9 years ago



Any advice would be helpful!

Plantation bleeding or irregular period? I made the mirena iud for almost 5 yrs and had it removed the first w ...

4 Answers      

Latest 13 years ago





TTC B#2.. Need Help?!

My AF started with 2 days spotting followed by 4 days of normal AF. During my fertile window, I fell with alle ...

1 Answer      

Latest 13 years ago


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